本文整理雅思写作第二部分笔记,内容来自 Shelly。

# 动词词组

# 6 分

  • solve the problem 解决问题
  • play a role in sth 在某事上起作用
  • be responsible for sth 对某事承担责任
  • pay attention to sth 关注、重视某事
  • make contributions to sth 为某事作出贡献
  • make an effort to do sth 努力去做某事
  • have an effect /influence/impact on sth 对某事产生影响
  • spend time /money (in) doing sth 花时间 / 金钱在做某事上
  • benefit from sth 从某事中受益
  • take steps to do sth 采取措施做某事

# 7 分

  • improve people's living standard 提升人们的生活水平
  • adapt to 适应
  • provide sth for sb 为某人提供某物
  • rely on 依赖,依靠
  • relieve stress /burden 减轻压力
  • distinguish between A and B 区分 A 和 B
  • be involved in 参与
  • be addicted to sth 上瘾,沉迷于
  • stem from 起源于
  • raise the public's awareness of 提高公众的... 意识
  • boost economic development 促进经济发展
  • keep pace with 并驾齐驱,跟上
  • enable sb to do sth 使某人能做某事
  • invest in 投资于
  • make the most of 充分利用
  • reach the balance between A and B 在 A 和 B 之间达到平衡
  • be filled with 充满了
  • suffer from 遭受
  • give priority to sth 把某事放在优先位置
  • enact laws 颁布法令

# 教育


  • Moral: Improve moral standard
  • Intellectual: Theoretical knowledge, independent and critical thinking, analysing skills and problem-solving ability, communication and social skills, adapt to new environment
  • Physical: Develop physical fitness, healthy lifestyle
  • Psychological: Self-cultivation, an appreciation of art and literature
  • Work: Practical skills, improve career prospects

# 环境


  • Climate change, global warming
  • Air pollution, increase of rubbish / garbage
  • Energy crisis, water shortage, deforestation
  • Natural disasters, acid rain, sand storms, drought, flood


  • Population growth, industrial development, long-term human activities


  • Global cooperation, reach the agreement, set international standards for environmental protection
  • Make laws, encourage low carbon economy
  • Exploit renewable, green energy, invest in energy-saving technologies
  • Promote environmental-friendly products, lead green consuming habits
  • Raise public's green awareness, encourage low carbon lifestyle

# 科技


  • Improve work efficiency
  • Convenience, with the click of a mouse, cost-effective
  • Promote and facilitate communication
  • Obtain information in various ways, enrich one's knowledge


  • Invade one's privacy
  • Less quality family time, increasing work pressure
  • Security issue, cyber crimes
  • Questionable contents, pornography, violence
  • Physical problem, radiation, weaken eyesight, less outdoor exercise
  • Psychological problem, indulge in virtual world, become solitary, be isolated from the real world, weaken the relationships with family members and friends

# 政府

  • Every government's basic obligation: ensure national security, stabilise the society, enhance social welfare system, perfect the public facilities
  • Be able to pool and dominate various resources
  • Give top priority to investments on education, technology and basic human needs, then invest in entertainment facilities to increase emotional wellbeing and enrich one's cultural life

# 社会

# 老人

  • Rich experience in both work and life, good consultants
  • Coaches, doctors, look after grandchildren
  • Do some volunteer work
  • Medical care and pension pose a financial burden for government
  • Labor shortage, economy hole

# 儿童

  • Curiosity, imitate, quick to learn
  • Lack of self-control, unable to distinguish right from wrong
  • Vulnerable to negative influences
  • Critical time of physical and psychological development
  • Provide parental guidance, commit their guardianship

# 妇女

  • Gentle / tender / soft manner, less aggressive nature
  • More patient, understanding, better communication skills
  • Not physically strong
  • Role in raising children, take care of the family, housework

# 工作与家庭

  • Keen competition makes employees to work overtime
  • Spend more time learning new technologies and upgrading knowledge and skills
  • Spend more time processing all types of information in this information age. As a result, the quality family time reduces

# 经济发展和城市化


  • More job opportunities, higher income
  • Better living conditions and infrastructures


  • Widen the gap between the rich and the poor
  • At the cost of environment

# 媒体


  • Provide all kinds of information, ranging from current affairs to entertainment news
  • Disclose social problems, monitor and push the government to deal with them


  • Over-report negative stories to hook viewers and maximise profits
  • Mislead the public's view and mood with distorted and false information

# 广告


  • Bridge the gap between consumers and manufacturers
  • Evoke impulse buying, boost sales, and promote economic development


  • Add to the cost of the products
  • Claim product's advantages only
  • Unwelcome information

# 预防犯罪


  • Poor education, unfortunate family, poverty, character flaw


  • Education, job training, employment, enhance welfare system
  • Severe punishment

# 文化


  • Basic human needs were met, inevitable trend
  • Self-expression, reflect characters, taste, likes
  • Following fashion blindly is a waste of time and money
  • Keep up with the joneses, fulfill one's peacockery
  • Associate clothing with social status and wealth, become snobbish


  • Be consistent with fast-paced modern lifestyle
  • Standardised, strict quality control
  • Pose a threat to traditional food culture
  • Less nutrient, high calories, junk food



  • Esthetic value
  • Cultural heritage


  • Raise the utilisation rate of land, population growth, consist with the urbanisation trend
  • Modern technologies: lift, air conditioning, more comfortable


  • Broaden one's horizon, enrich one's experience and knowledge
  • Boost local economy, hotels, restaurants, air industry
  • Place a heavy burden on local environment
  • Over-dependent on tourist industry, unbalanced economic development

# 艺术娱乐

  • Arts vary in different societies, science can be applied to the whole world
  • Arts satisfy people's spiritual and emotional needs, and enrich cultural life, science enriches material wealth
  • Subjective v.s. objective

# 语言

  • A particular language was born from a particular culture
  • Understand the speaker's cultural background
  • Learn rules of grammar and memorise vocabulary
  • Learning culture is a waste of time

# 多元文化

  • Inevitable and irreversible trend
  • Improve people's living standard
  • Enhance communication, appreciation and respect among different cultures
  • Immigrants' language barrier, culture shock
  • Discrimination, religious conflict, public order issue

# 意识形态与价值观

  • Subjective feeling
  • People at different life stages with various likes from diverse social backgrounds surely do not have the same definition for happiness