本文整理雅思口语第三部分笔记,内容来自 Shine。

# 特定群体

  • 观点 + 论据🌟
  • 两组

Why do people love to buy new clothes?

People buy or purchase new clothing for better or different looks.
They surely want to make them more attractive or look different.
After purchasing new outfits,
They feel pleased or get the pleasure.
I have seen that many people who buy many new clothes in the stores or huge shopping malls.
They look extremely pleased on their faces.

Why do some people love to buy private cars?

These people buy cars to save time.
I've seen lots of people.
They drive cars to arrange their routes to avoid being stuck in traffic jam / congestion.
They buy cars to boost bonds with others.
Like they could lift a ride for friends or drive out to some cities or even have a car trip.

Why do some people love to go to quiet places?

Going to some quiet places calms people down.
I've seen lots of people.
They could be themselves.
For quiet places are for people's comfort.
For better efficiency.
They could hardly be disturbed or influenced.

Why do some people love to hang out with friends?

For boosting bonds.
I've seen lots of people who hang out with friends.
Get much closer...
Build stronger relationship...
Feel better.
Feel much more casual.
Have much better and easier conversations.

Why do some people buy things that are not necessary?

For better discounts.
I've seen many people.
They just went crazy about not necessary shopping just for some on-sale products.
For meaningless pleasure.
It's like for some people...
Costly(昂贵)phone cases...
Over priced...
It doesn'tserve(发挥)its function.

Why do some people love takingselfies(自拍)?

People shoot selfies for looking better in the photos.
They would actually use some apps or programs to make selfies much more attractive.
People could easily do it on smart phones.
Spare no effort.
Like people could hold phones using front-facing cameras.
They could do it without others' help.

Why do some people spend much money on meals?

For better tastes. / They fit people's taste buds.
I know some rare food ingredient.
They cost a lot.
Feel superior.
Only few people on this world could afford...
Thus they feel proud of their wealth or social status.

Why do young people like super stars?

For lots of common in conversations.
I've seen lots of younger people when they talk about pop cultures.
For their better appearances / looks on the stage.
Like they normally look attractive.
So they attract younger's attention.

Why do children love toys?

Kids play toys together usually.
Many kids would hang out for toys.
They could share their own toys with...
Build better relationship.
For the joy or pleasure.
They are smaller.
They go crazy about...

Why do some old people dislike watching sports?

Those old people would find the programstedious(乏味).
For sports games are of much more competition.
There is hardly anything related to comedy scenes.
Too manybrutal(残酷)violent scene sports games.
They have some potential physical problems.
They don't want to cause some heart attack.

# 大群体

  • 分类覆盖所有人群
  • 避免战争、政治、宗教


It’s hard to say, because there are like, millions of people in China.
So people have different options.

What kind of TV dramas is popular in your country?

It differs.
There are like millions of people in China.
They have different options.
For males.
More related to sci-fi.
I've seen or heard that,
Most of males love to talk about the mind-blowing scenes.
And concepts of future technology in those TV series.
While... 对比的连接词
Soap operas.
Females get lots of fun when watching them.
They dream of having the life in those TV series.

How do Chinese people contact with friends?

Making phone calls.
They're prefer to use the traditional way.
More direct.
Social media or communication apps.
More than texting.

What kind of things do Chinese people like to talk about?

Have more passion for the rich traditional culture,
Historic events or figures.
Pop culture.
These things appeal to them more.
Like music albums newly released movies.

What age do people want to retire in your country?

Wealthy people.
Retire around 40 years old.
No long have financial issues.
They could start live each day to the fullest as early as possible.
Around 60 years old.
They need to take better care of / support families.

Which app is the most popular one in China?

An app to access information of history and hot spot news.
I've seen lots of elders.
They share the posts on social medias.
Like one post about a historical figure.
The app of pop culture.
The app includes fashion trend.
More information related to fun TV dramas / episodes.
Younger people love to know more.

What kind of difficulty may people face in their work?

They are not that familiar with working process.
They have shorter time.
Don't have that much experience.
Hard to deal with...
They have less energy or goodfitness(精力)condition.
They can't 100% focus in their works.

What kind of music do Chinese people like?

Local operas.
They have the urge to learn the information behind.
More related tocustoms(习俗)or historical events.
Pop music.
Be of stronger beats and betterrhythm(韵律).
And they love the lyrics.

What kind of public places are popular in your country?

Parks of sport facilities.
I've seen that...
After dinners, elders love to go there for fitness improving.
Entertainment places bars.
They couldlet steam off(释放压力)easily.
Andchill(放松)in the places.
Blow off some steam.

What are the popular toys for children in China?

Stuffed(填充)animal toys / and dress up...
They love the cute stuff.
They love to hug them until falling asleep.
Remote car models.
They love to have fun when using the car models to race one to another.

How do Chinese people spend their money?

Older people.
They want to keep fit / improve fitness.
Avoid being influence by some diseases.
Younger people.
Smart device.
Have more passion...
Keep updated with latest technology information.

# 意义

  • 先给立场
  • 优点 / 缺点 + 论据

Do you think it's important to learn how to cook?

Money saving.
Normally people could save money.
Shop for groceries.
You know how to cook.
Put in certainseasoning(调料)or...
After learning how to cook,
People know how to come up with a healthy diet.
Less oil or sugar would put into the pot.

Is building design good for a city?

Quite sure.
For the better image of the city.
When people see those attractive buildings,
They surely would be impressed.
Have good impression...
For the better use of space in a city.
Like in central part of a city,
The blocks of building would be designed in a certain way.
So more building would be built.

Do you think children should be allowed to use a smart phone?

Quite sure. / Yes.
For expanding their view.
Add to knowledge.
Most of kids could use smart phones to get access to cooking skills, handcraft or something.
Expand their connections.
I know the fact of most kids would use smart phones to share their daily updates and attract others to follow them.

Is E-learning good?

Be of lower efficiency.
Hard to get focused.
Teachers are not around.
Classmates don't study with you.
Bad or harmful for eyesight.
Spend most of time sparing at the screens.
That's awful for health.

What do you think of fast foods?

It's time saving.
Normally the foods could be served in shorter time.
People have the need to wait for...
It does harm to people's physical health.
Too muchgrease(油脂), fat or sugar in those fast foods.
So no doubt it causes some problemsaccordingly(随之而来).

Do you find important for children to start reading from a younger age?

Not really.
That would besomehow(某种程度)of lower reading efficiency.
Probably they just know how to read letters.
They find hard or have difficulty in reading.
It takesforever(很长时间)to read a whole book.
Reading earlier makes kids upset or annoyed.
When they are that small,
They tend to hang out outdoors.
If they're forced to...
That maybackfire(适得其反).

Do you think it’s necessary to learn a foreign language?(for people)

Most of people don't need to have the ability to communicate with foreigners.
It's like only fewer people need to travel around or study.
It could become senseless.
Way too much time in learning.
I've seen that most of people.
They spend years in learning,
Still getting nowhere.

Do you think it's important to teach children to behavepolitely(礼貌)in public?

Actually yes.
It's good for kids to develop their own circles.
I guess...
Even for kids they love to accept well-mannered kids as their friends.
For better images.
Dressing properly.
Trying to lower the voice.
Lining up.

Some people say that reading is the best way to know about a culture, do you agree?

Not definitely.
Readers only get part of the information,
But not the whole thing.
For authors just output theirinsights(见解)in a way.
There's hardly ever communicating.
We don't feel the information in real life.
People just sit there for longer time and stare at words.

# 解决

  1. 确认解决者
    It would be best if government /management in...area/parents /teachers/schools /people put more efforts into it.
  2. 罗列问题 + 论据
  3. 提出解决方法 + 论据

How can we improve the air quality in China?

It would be best if government puts efforts into it.
A Car emission.
They didn't carry out certain methods to limit the cars.
B Industrial waste gas.
They didn't develop law system.
Thus they didn't punish those people who are supposed to be fined.
A First solution is...
They should set up some rules of car limitation.
B And use the laws or regulations to punish those people...

How can we promote creativity amongst children?

It would be better if teachers or schools do something about it.
The courses were more related to memorizing.
Children had no chance to get access to.
There were no activities for kids to take part in.
Open certain courses.
Handcraft, be more related to fine arts.
Or music.
Hold certain activities.
Let kids embrace the nature.
That would spark some ideas.

How to avoid children to improperly use the internet?

Parents should be the ones to solve the problem.
They didn't set a time limit of kids using the internet.
They didn't guide kids better to use in a certain way.
Try to limit the time anddown to(减少至)less than 2 hours.
And tell them the better websites to log on.
More like natural science or technology.

What can we do to protect environment?

All of us do our part to protect...
Drive private cars too much.
Use plastic bags too much.
Turn to the use of public transports.
Use recyclable bags orcanvas(帆布)shopping bags.
And don't order thattake-outs(外卖)that much.

What can we do to stop visitors from damaging historical places?

Management in historical places...
There weren't some so-called rules to punish them.
There were not too many barriers.
Some posters or warning signs to be put up.
Penalty rules to...
Set up the protections to prevent...from getting closer.

How can we encourage young people to engage more in sports?

Not too many sports facilities were built in the past.
There weren't more sports events like huge sports games for younger to join in.
Government should build more facilities related to sports activities.
So administration could hold more related activities.
They could be fun and rewarding.

How can the government help improve the health of the general public?

Government didn'ttake measure to(采取措施)improve the air quality.
Government didn't build enough...
Government should punish those industrial factories...
And many more facilities to be built by them.

How could government encourage people to take public transport more often?

There weren't many subway lines or bus lines.
People couldn't arrive at the places as they wished.
Plus / besides / what's more 并列
The price was a little bit higher than people expected.
Government should develop the transport system.
And they could lower the price and for anyone to access.

# 生活

# 分角度

  1. Several ways...
  2. A + Proof
  3. B + Proof

How do people keep healthy?

People should engage more in sports to improve fitness.
People should get up...
They could run for 10 minutes to 30 minutes.
And they do it for 3 or 4 days in a week.
They shouldbe aware of(知道)their sleeping quality.
They should at least have 8-hour sleeping time.
In that case,
People could get healthier.
Include taking a nap.

How does technology influence our life?

Now we have better ways to communicate with...
As the technology develops,
People could make video calls by using smart phones.
And we could also send voice messages.
Technology helps us save time.
The invention of electric cars...
We just no longer need to fill up thetank(油箱).

How do people save money?

Cut down the budget or expense.
Like in their shopping process,
They could use coupons or vouchers to save money.
Try avoid buying anything unnecessary.
Try to make money by finding a job.
People could open on-line shops.
Find a part-time job in a cafe around the corner.
Hunt for some full-time job related to what you learn.

How can people have a happy marriage?

Both side of a couple should make money hard.
They have their own living place to purchase.
And they make money for covering the cost of children's education or something.
They should provide emotional value to each other.
In case they face tough things or difficulties,
They should encourage or comfort each other.

How do children socialize with each other?

Using smart phone.
Many kids try to share their photos.
And they post on social medias, and attract other kids' at the same age attention...
Joing one club in primary school or one activity.
Kids could interact or cooperate with each other.
Thus, they have more talks with...

# 分步骤

  1. Step 1
  2. Step 2
  3. So it can be done.

How to make a friend with a stranger?

For starter,
Step with a hello and try act properly.
Try to start a conversation.
After that,
Contact information.
Social media account or something.
People could reach out to...
And engage in certain activities together.
You would become friends.

How to deal with noisy neighbors?

Communicate with them in the first place.
Let neighbors know what is happening to them,
And ask them to control the noise.
In case it doesn't work,
Try to find management in the living area.
Ask the staff to do something about it.
If still it doesn't work,
People should go to the police,
And make thecomplaint(投诉).

For students, how to well balance the time on study and leisure time?

For starter,
Prioritize their tasks.
Write down the plan or to-do-list,
And finish the important academic tasks first.
Stick to(坚持)the plan,
And finish the tasks on time.
If there is time left,
Try to kick back orunwind(放松)by doing some activities,
Yet they can't influence your study.
Reading, going to one historical museum...

How to be a famous person in your country?

Try to realize what talent you have,
And start in this field.
For him or her,
They need to take further learning session,
And improve their abilities.
Try to seek for one platform,
And perform and shine on the stage.

How people would tell friends when they must change their plans?

Explain everything.
Why they have to cancel on their friends,
And let friends know everything.
For they are the ones to blame,
And try to say sorry sincerely.
Rearrange the schedule,
And make sure both of them are available.

# 比较

# 优缺点

  1. I see one bad part and one good thing.
  2. Well, the good point is... + proof
  3. On the other hand,
  4. The bad thing about them is... + proof


  1. I only see two good / bad things.
  2. Good / bad + proof
  3. Good / bad + proof

What are the advantages and disadvantages of shopping online?

Time-saving. Good point
I've seen that people don't go out to physical stores.
They tap on the smart devices.
They get the products...
While, 对比
The longer delivery time. Bad point
Usually 2-3 days.
People spend much time in waiting.

What are the advantages and disadvantages of living in another country?

Bad thing.
They have language barrier,
Since people who live in another country.
They don't know the new language system.
They need tofit in to(契合)communicate.
Good thing.
Embrace new cultures.
Know about the traditions.
The festivals / local foods / outfits...
And other cultures.

What are the advantages and disadvantages of family business?

Good thing.
The service provided by family business is usually better.
Family business has been developed for longer time.
So the quality of their products would be promised.
Bad thing.
It would harm their relationship.
Since they make profit in a company,
So they have better chance to have a fight.

What are the good and bad points about being famous?

Be likely to...
Make more money.
Get better pay or publish books.
Be disturbed in their private time.
The crazy followers would pay much more attention to...
Like stalking into one celebrity or something.

The advantages and disadvantages of being a newsanchor(新闻主播)?

Normally they have better social class connections in their life.
They get to know more celebrities,
For they have better access when they host some programs.
They spend much more time in working process before they are on camera.
They have lots of references to prepare.
That takes lots of time.

What are the positives and negatives of traveling by a ship?

The better views in the trip.
Like some sceneries people never get to see in normal life.
An island or ocean view or schools of fish.
The bad thing is the trip can be too slow.
The speed is way slower than which of any other transports, high speed rail or flights or something.
People spend a couple of days.

When people live their friends’ home when they come to a new city, any advantages and disadvantages of it?

The expense would be lower.
For those people,
They don't need to reserve a hotel room to live in.
That saves much money.
Not too convenient.
Those people should pay attention to social boundaries,
And hard to feelcasual(休闲)in your place.

What are some advantages and disadvantages of living alone?

Feel flexible to do something when you live alone.
Like people could read anytime or the type of music / sleeping pattern / diet choices.
Feeling lonely.
For there is no one else to chat with people,
No one to talk face to face.

What are some advantages and disadvantages if people live near the airport?

I could only come up with the bad things.
There are too many planes taking off and landing for too many times in a day which causes too much noise.
Not too convenient.
Not too many developed facilities like theatres or malls or something else.

# 过去现在

  1. ...have changed in the last...years.
  2. Back in the past, ...was...
  3. I'll say...proof. 过去时
  4. While...
  5. Now it's...
  6. For instance, proof. 现在时

Do you think the transportation system has changed?

In the past,
Transport system wasn't developed.
There were less ways to go out.
People didn't have chance to use bullet train or many chances to use flights or something.
It's much more developed.
We could use bullet trains to go anywhere,
Not too mention the convenience of taking a flight.

Do you think people's eating habits have changed in China?

In the past,
Chinese tried to eat some foods whichstuffed(填饱肚子).
In the old days,
For most of people,
They would eat more like staple foods like rice or noodles.
For now,
Foods of better nutrition...
People would buy many more foodingredients(食材).
Rare meat, seafood or something.

What is the difference of using the internet now and in the past?

In the past,
People accessed internet by using a computer.
There weren't many other choices.
People linked their PC to internet by using wires.
For now,
They have much more choices.
Smart phone, PC tablet or other smart devices.
Wireless connection.

What is the difference of the clothes people wear now and in the past?

In the past,
People wore clothes of dull colors.
For I've seen from videos or pictures,
And they were shot in the past.
That people wore black or blue for most.
For now,
They wear clothes of much more colors.
It's like I see people wearing bright red or yellow or purple something,
Just more than what we wore in the past.

Have young people changed their choices of TV programs?

There were fewer choices for younger people at that age.
Younger people only had chance to watch some TV series or broadcasting news.
Younger people access more.
Variety shows / talent shows / stand-up comedies / talk-show.

Is there any change between schools now and schools in the past?

Facilities in the past schools weren't good.
Like students only sat by wooden tables,
And teachers wrote on blackboard by using chalks.
Clearly the facilities have been developed.
Multi-media devices.
Schools have likeprojector(投影仪)or smart TV set or something else.

What's the difference between the past and present of children's life?

The ways they entertain have changed.
In the past,
They chose to hang out with each other face to face.
They played card games or chased after and horsed around.
Hide and seek.
They choose to spend their leisure time by using smart devices.
Play mobile games, console games or any other things.

What is the difference between the present and the past teachers?

In the past,
Teachers taught students by using chalks,
And they wrote on blackboards.
That was the traditional way.
Teachers teach by using smart devices.
Like projectors and huge smart screen to show what they need topass on(传授).

Do fewer people choose to watch movies in cinema than people did in the past?

In the past,
Fewer people.
Economy wasn't developed.
People were thatbetter off(更好).
The tickets could cost a lot.
They didn't go to theatres that much.
People earn much more,
So going to a cinema isn't a problem.
People have much more access to cinemas.

Do you think services are better now than in the past?

In the past,
Service in the old days wasn't so good.
In the old days,
Those people who provided service didn't go through certain training.
They weren't that good to customers.
Service is much better.
The quality of service is much better.
They have smiles on faces,
And they provide customer service after.

# 相似事物

  1. Well, the difference is...
  2. A is...for instance, proof.
  3. By contrast,
  4. B is..., proof.

Using a second difference would be better!

  1. Second difference is...

What's the difference between watching sports on TV(A) and watching it live(B)?

For A.
Not so good.
Not so many people are there to watch,
So thevibe(氛围)isn't so good.
People can't cheer up together.
For B.
Much better.
There are like thousands of people.
There is like a goal or a shot.
All the people stand up to cheer.
And that's quite different.

What's the difference between teenagers and children?

The difference is their ability to solve...
For teens.
They can solve...
It's like...
I've seen lots of teens,
They make plans for life.
Make huge decisions...
For kids.
Rely on their parents.
They couldn't solve the issues in life by themselves.

What's the difference between people living in the city and living in the countryside?

I've seen city people,
They get better educational resources.
Better colleges and they get better training from good teachers.
Village people.
There aren't too many good teachers.
They can't have quality education.
Can't expand their knowledge.

What’s the difference between the north and south of your country?

The weather pattern is different.
People don't get to see many rainy days.
It rains like one month for two months.
For southern cities.
They are wet.
It rains like 5 months or even more in a year.
It could rain 12 days in a straight.

What are the differences between western & Chinese wedding?

Clothing they wear is different.
In Chinese weddings,
People could have two sets of clothing.
They wear suits andwedding gowns(婚纱)beforetaking vows(宣誓).
After that,
They switch to traditional Chinese clothing like qi-pao.
For western weddings,
They only stick with suits and gowns.
They don't have other options.

What is the difference between learning face-to-face with teachers and learning by yourself?

Learning ways are different.
Face-to-face with teachers is much more effective.
Teachers help you solve the problems.
For students who learn by themselves,
Have lower efficiency.
Students manage to seek out / find out / work out...independently.

Are there any differences between works in airport and other general works?

The location of working place is different.
For general workers,
They go to the heart of a city.
They spend less time in commuting.
For airport workers,
Normally airports are remotely located.
For those who work in the airports,
They spend way too much time.
They many choose accommodations.

What's the difference between an apartment and a house?

The number of neighbors is different.
It's like...
In one apartment building,
There are like many other families.
For the people who live in the houses,
There is usually one family.
They own the house.

# 预测

  1. I'm not quite sure about it.
  2. In the past, things were... + Proof 过去
  3. From what I see now, people are trying to... + Proof 现在
  4. Based on the given trend, probably in the coming years, people would continue /stop... + 同替 未来推测

Do you think people will drive less in the future?

No not really.
In the past,
People weren't that better off.
Not too many people could afford cars.
They couldn't drive out that much.
For now,
Economy is better.
People have more chances or access to drive out.
From the given trend,
People could drive more rather than driving less.

In the past,
People didn't drive much.
They concerned about the environment protection.
They didn't drive that much.
The invention of electric cars causes less air pollution / car emission.
So more people have the will to drive out.
Base on the given trend,
People would drive out more.
They don't worry about the air pollution.

Do you think in the future, animals will die out?

Not likely.
In the past,
People didnt have the awareness of protecting animals.
Many people hunted down several species of animals.
As the law system develops,
And people have received better education,
People have grown awareness to protect the animals.
I guess predict animals are not going to die out.

Do you think cinema will disappear in the future?

Not really.
In the past,
The economy wasn't good.
Even people wanted to go to watch movies.
There weren't many theatres.
People are better off.
More cinemas have been built.
People would choose to hang out in theatres.
As economy still grows,
So people would have more chances to go to different theatres.

Do you think people tend to try new things more in the future?

Technology wasn't developed.
There weren't many so called new things,
Like smart devices or something.
For now,
Tech develops.
People surely have access to new things,
Like new transports or new smart equipment.
As I predict,
In the coming days,
Surely people tend to try new things.

What subjects will be taught in high school in the future?

The courses for selecting a perfect college major.
There wasn't any lesson or course related in high school education.
So some high school students suffered when they went for a wrong major after.
For now,
A part of high schools open courses like choosing a major.
These high school graduates benefit from the content.
I predict all the high school could open the related lessons.

How might the school uniforms be like in the future?

In the past,
Uniforms were less attractive.
Like the designs the colors werelame(蹩脚)cheesy(俗气).
Students didn't like to wear.
For now,
Most of the uniforms are more fashionable.
There are even several styles clothing for students to choose.
I guess in the future they could become trendier.

How exciting new types of entertainment will be like in the future?

Less exciting.
People had rathermild(温和)ways ofchilling out(消遣).
Went for dancing or watching TV programs.
For now,
Thrilling activities,
Like extreme sports, first person shooting or war games.
Gain much thrill.
People could have more thrilling choices.

Would more people consider buying an electric car in the future?

When electric cars were just introduced to consumers,
People only drove for 400 or 500 kilometres.
For now,
They have been improved / developed,
So more consumers have the will to purchase.
They could replace fossil-fueled cars some day in the future.
Buy more...

# 描述

  1. Name 1 or 2
  2. Proof

What types of service do Chinese like to complain about?

Take-out delivery service.
I've seen lots of people complaining about...
Actually the delivery speed is too slow.
People who order online take outs wait for longer time to get their take-outs.
Service provided in tourist attractions.
Like they don't restrict the number of tourists.
There are like normally millions of visitors there.
Trash and rubbish everywhere.
Thus the environment is questionable.

What types of services are good?

Fast-food chains service.
I've seen lots of people,
When they dine out in those places.
Foods could be served in shorter time.
They are satisfied with it.
Taking-out service.
This type of service saves time.
For most of diners,
Normally receive their online ordered foods faster.

What types of things are easily lost?

Smaller items.
We use many smaller things.
Lighters / plug-in earphones.
We lose them in somewhere.
And we find hard to get them back.
Not notice them easily.
Costly items.
It's like people have higher chance to use costly equipment.
Smart phones or bluetooth earphones.
Andpickpockets(扒手)have their attention on them.
Steal away.

What types of job positions can be found on or near the sea?

Lifeguards on the beaches.
It's like swimmers would have fun near the beach the sea.
And they could suffer from dangerous risks.
These people would dive into sea to save them.
People who sell gears related to water sports on the beach.
They work near the sea.
And they make profit easily.
After all tourists come to the sea for...

What kinds of people are celebrities in your country?

Top singers.
Chinese love pop songs.
And those followers would pay extra attention to those singers.
Go to concerts, buy albums.
Singers surely gain popularity.
Top athletes.
They get awarded easily.
Like getting medals or championships.
And they could easily be known through all the social medias.

What kinds of promise might a child's parents make to him / her?

When kids do well in study,
Parents promise to buy gifts.
For instance(例如),
They promise that they would buy toys, books, sweets or candies for kids.
Parents still try to promise that.
Once kids finish their tasks in study,
They would give kids more leisure time for entertainment.
That would encourage kids to makeprogress(进步)in their study.

What kinds of industries need competition?

Smart device industry.
In this industry,
Companies compete to come up with better products.
And the smart devices surely promise better experience.
Clothing / apparel industry.
Better wearing experience.
For consumers,
They could keep up to the latest trend.

What kinds of people are popular at work?

People who are of great communication ability.
They couldreach out to(联系)clients, coworkers or leaders easily,
Which increases efficiency.
People who are professional in the work field.
Supervisors(监事)thus love those people who work well.
Coworkers benefit from those people.

What do people do while waiting?

Scrolling on smart phone.
I've seen a lot from public occasions.
Train stations, metro stations...
People love to spend time on...,
When waiting for...
Listening to music.
People tend to feel bored.
They open music apps,
So they wouldn't feel that unsettled.
