本文整理雅思口语第一部分笔记,内容来自 Shine。

# 综述

# 考试流程

  • 地点:College Study Room
  • 时长:Total Length 11-14 Mins
  • 内容:题库型题目 + 机经型题目

# Part 1

  • Question and Answer 即时回答
  • 提问 6-7 个小问题直到五分钟结束
  • 每个小问题大约 4 句话

# Part 2

  • Independent Tasks 独立描述
  • 提问一个问题
  • 准备时间:1min
  • 回答时间:90s-120s

# Part 3

  • Question and Answer 即时回答 + 追问模式
  • 问题与 Part2 相关
  • 提问 2-4 个小问题直到五分钟结束
  • 每个小问题 6-8 句话

# 评分标准

# Fluency and Coherence

  • 连接词、填充词(语气词)
  • 流利度提升
  • 输出内容及逻辑切题性


  • 不随波逐流,个性化的观点
  • 丰富展开信息用以论证观点
  • 可信以及信息一致性
  • 主观有自己的立场,但尊重客观逻辑前提

# Lexical Resource

  • 词汇、词搭的广泛积累
  • 同替的高频使用


# Pronunciation

  • Imitation 模仿发音

# Grammatical Range and Accuracy

  • 较少的语法错误

# 扩充话题基本方法

# 观点法

  • 观点提出 + 论据扩展
  • 论据远比论点重要🌟

Do you like your hometown?

I love the culture of the food in the city.
I'm a gourmet / foodie.
Food is part of my life.
Foods of Xi'an fit mytaste bud(味蕾)best.
So I love most.

# 事实法

  • 5W + 1H

What was your last time to do a sport?

When around a month ago.
Where on the table-tennis court in college.
Who one of my college friends.
Why I chose table-tennis as my P.E. class training.
What Firstly our teacher taught us some skills. Then Iruled(统治)the match in the 30 minutes.
How I was proud of myself in the game.

# People

Who is your favorite celebrity in China?

A Chinese director of sci-fi movies.
I love his talent.
I've watched two movies directed by him.
To me...
Both of them are significant as well as amusing.

Do you want to be a celebrity in the news?

I'm going to feel stressed out.
All the people...
Millions of people would focus on...
Pay attention to my private life.
That makes me feel lots of pressure.

Part 1 贵精不贵多,一针见血,输出核心信息。

Do you pay attention to the famous people in the news?

Surely I do.
I could learn something from the news.
And try to improve myself.
Like... 举例的连接词
Some of my favorite stars donate something to the poor in the news.
I watch them and do good deeds too.
By contrast.
Even some horrible things like they smoke in the street.
It is bad for their images and I know I need to behave well in the public.

How do you help people around you, such as neighbours, family and friends?

I would help my close connection like my friends.
I help with my college friends with calculation.
I'm best at learning in my major.

What kinds of people do you like to have as friends?

I love to make friends with people whoopen up to(持开放观点)new ideas or information.
I could open my eyes or broaden my horizon.
And I could keep learning from those people.

People who have their own ideas. / have independent thinking.
When we discuss.
We could share everything based on our own thoughts.
We would appreciate each other.

# Nature and Environment

Can you describe the Flat / House?

It's not that huge.
It covers like 40 square meters.
And the kitchen is somehow linked with living room.
In addition.
Cozy and quite unique.
I even use wall paper of animation characters on the wall.
To make it cute and adorable.

What colour makes you uncomfortable in your room?

Light red.
I couldn't calm when there is it in my bedroom.
It's like...
When I am studying in my bedroom,
The color red makes meunsettled(彷徨)and hard to focus.

Is there anything you dislike about your hometown?

I believe the traffic system isn't developed enough.
Increased number of tourists or visitors...
Almost makes the system collapse.
The city should try to upgrade...
And make it accessible for all the people.

The traffic system is not so convenient for all the people.
When I want to go to a nearby place.
I can not just sit in one metro and arrive at the place directly.
I have totake transfers(换乘).
That's too bad.

Do you like your living area?

Is peaceful.
We have one public garden inside.
And some residents would sit there to read.
It also provides convenience.
Like people who live in the community get better access to...
It takes five minutes' walk to go to the nearest metro station.

Is your city a crowded place?

I want to share one story.
Last spring festival,
I went to DTFRY -- historic relic quite popuplar in Xi'an -- with my elder generation.
And there were like thousands of people in the park.
I couldn't even breathe.
Hard to move...
Pretty much every corner is the same.

Do most people like crowded places?

Of course not.
Normally, they are of higher risk.
It's likely that chaos would happen.
Like peoplejostling(拥挤)each other.
So not really.

Where is your favorite meeting place with your friends?

Meet at hot-pot restaurants.
We are interested in / crazy about hotpot foods.
Like we prefer spicy or hot foods.
We surely could order spicy flavor hotpot.
We could have conversations with...
Without worrying about bothering others.

# Hobby and Habit

How do you spend time in a day?

Going to a historical museum.
It enriches my knowledge.
Like last month,
I went to one famous historical museum in Hangzhou city.
I got to know the way ancient people of China live in their life.

Which country would you like to travel to in the future?

For its animation culture.
A street of many shops related to animation culture in Japan.
Go shopping around...
Even I can buy some actionfigures(手办)or popular games.

How often do you travel?

About one time or two times.
I'm still in my fourth year of college.
I have only spring vacation to travel.
So I don't have that much free time.

Where do you usually travel?

It differs.
If I travel with family members.
Nearby cities.
I worry about elder generation feeling tired in the trips.
If I go out with friends.
Rather far seaside cities.
We can do some water activities to release the stress.

Do you like singing?

I hate singing.
I don't have attractive / sweet / deep / charming voice.
I can not sing out beautiful songs.
And it only makes me awkward.

Do you think singing can bring happiness to people?

Surely yes.
Singing songs would help people kick back or loosen up a bit.
Last time when I finished my whole day's work,
I tried to sing by using some sing apps.
I felt much relieved after.

Is fishing popular in your country?

Well actually...
For elders,
They've been loving fishing.
I know some elder people like my grandpa.
He goes fishing with lots of old people.
For younger,
They've developed passion for fishing.
Like I know some of younger people at my age.
They love to release the stress in fishing.

Do you think childhood is boring or adulthood is boring?

The former one.
When I turn a grown-up,
I could shop for pleasure, unlike kids,
By using money I make myself.

Where do you usually keep things you need?

In one huge box in my living room.
It's of much more space,
And I could arrange more of my collections orbelongings(财物)into it.
Keep them organized.

# Job and Media

What kind of advertisements do you like?

Creative ads.
When I was in my childhood time,
I happened to see one ad,
Which was full of creative ideas,
Like the song people sang in the advertisement.
The repeatedlyrics(歌词)impressed me.

When I was around 10 years old,
I watched one ad from TV.
And it was of a chocolate brand.
In the commercial,
A young guy who eats chocolates,
And he slips to a young girl.
Which indicated how smooth the chocolate was.
They impressed me.

What kinds of advertisements do you dislike?

Video commercials,
Especially ones of longer time length.
It spoils the fun,
Ruins the best moment.
When I try to see the best part.
It just appears.

Is there an advertisement that made an impression on you when you were a child?

Healthcare product for the elderly in China.
When I was around 10 years old,
In our living room watching programs.
I happened to see...
What impressed me most was...
Two anime characters were singing and dancing.
Theycame up with(提出了)name of the product.
That was impressive.

Do you or your friends use social media?

We feel entertained / amused.
Like I always scroll through social medias,
To see some pictures of cute or adorable pets.
It keeps me in a better mood.
We get to learn something by using social medias.
I always learn some courses related to computer science on social medias of lots of videos.
Keeping updated with...
Some information related to the cities I'm about to study aboard in...
Or studyreferences(参考资料).

When did you start to use social media?

In junior high time.
I happened to see one of my classmates using social media to study math.
I could get references or study materials from social media.
I downloaded on my PC tablet to use it.

What kind of movies do you like?

Sci-fi movies.
I could get involved in...
Have engaging experience in imagination of directors or screenplay writers.
I once watched a movie named Liulangdiqiu,
Which is a Chinese sci-fi movie directed by my favorite director.
The plot / storyline is about...
What humans would act when they face the end of days...really mind-blowing.

Have you seen any movies with lots of fish?

Finding Nemo.
One animation movie made or produced in the U.S..
There are all the characters of all kinds of fish.
The story is mainly about the residents under sea.
So I get to see the scenes of lots of fish.

Do you love to go to the theatre or watch at home?

In a theatre,
A theatre normally is of better equipment or facilities.
Imax screen, Dolby sound / stereo system.
They all contribute to better view experience.
The atmosphere isway(非常)better.
Like last time,
I chose...
To watch a Chinese sci-fi movie.
When we saw that buildings in the movie were destroyed,
We all started to yell and scream.

Do you like chatting with friends?

When we are available / we have flexible time.
In a cafe / Via social media.
Studying aboard plans.
It has always been the best way to build strong relationship.

Do you prefer to communicate face-to-face or via social media?

Via social medias.
Much more accessible.
Even me and my friends,
We are in different place.
Reach out to anytime in a day.

# Culture and Art

Do you prefer live music or recorded music?

Recorded Music.
It usually has better quality.
Normally generally(通常情况下),
Recorded music is made / produced from music studios.
The better equipment therepromises(保证)better quality of music.

Have you ever learned to play a musical instrument?

I have learned guitar In a period of time,
When I just graduated from senior high.
A young guy, one of his hands is of guitar tattoo.
I felt my fingers hurt in the learning process.
Yet, I'd learnt for a couple of months,
Then I became quiteproficient(精通)in playing.
That was fun.

Have you ever received a great gift?

after college graduation
from one roommate
The gift was an oil painting,
Of two people boating in the picture.
Since he would move to another city,
We were really close.
And the sunset view is also stunning in it.
I was moved.
And for sure that's a significant present.

Do you think you are good at choosing gifts?

Yes I would say.
I know which gift to choose.
I have a friend who shares strong passion for photography.
In his last birthday I chose a cute camera bag.
He was touched.
Clearly that was a perfect gift.

What do you consider when choosing a gift?

Gifts of creative ideas.
Surprise comes with it.
One of my friends...
I took photos for him and his music band.
I made a set of post cards of the pictures printed.
He loved it.

What's your favorite colour?

Color blue.
Normally it's associated with beautiful things,
Like sky or sea.
Wallpaper in my bedroom is blue and white.
It made me have peaceful mind.
And I feel calm when I see.

What's the color you dislike?

I don't think I hate any color.
Each color has its own meaning or value.
For me,
I could pair every single color with another one,
To make them lookclassy(优雅).

What colours do your friends like most?

Maybe black.
Almost all my friends...
They've already begun their careers.
They love to be mature and wear black outfits more.

Do you collect things?

Surely I do.
I have this passion for collecting film boxes.
I have strong passion for photography.
That's why I buy films and...
Wouldn't dump or throw away the boxes.
Other photography lovers finish using the films,
I would ask if they want to keep them.

How do you save money?

I would cut down the budget.
I would make a plan for spending money.
Control the spending.
I would buy a thing when something is on-sale.
I would shop around and choose one thing of a lower price.

Do you use a credit card to buy things?

No, not really.
I don't develop my habit to pay for something by using the credit.
Being in debt makes memiserable(痛苦).
So I try to save money more to buy something.

# Fashion and Accessories and Transport

Is there any technology you want to buy?

A SLR / single lens reflex camera.
One experience...
That was about two years ago.
When I went for a package tour,
One of the people I went with,
Used SLR camera to shoot pictures.
I saw the quality pictures she shot by using her camera.
I had this urge to get the same one.

What can robots do for you at home?

For sure(当然).
The first thing is doing the chores.
It could help with the cleaning / sweeping / scrubbing.
Like the spots in every corner.
For human beings we may find hard to reach.
Smart robots could easily deal with it.
Another thing is to accompany elders.
I can't be there to spend time with my grandparents all the time,
I hope to use robots to fulfill.

What kind of clothing do you love to wear?

Loose and comfy clothes.
Which means better wearing experience.
When I engage in sports activities,
I wouldn't feel too tight / restricted.

Do you often wear sunglasses?

And not only for sunglasses,
Any form of glasses.
They are tight.
They hurt my nose,
And I feel not so comfy about my nose part.

Do you play video games?

For sure.
I could chill easily when playing video games.
Last time...
After a whole day's exhausting work,
I chose to play video games,
And thefatigue(疲劳)wasswept away(荡然无存).

Would you watch others play video games?

Yes, I would.
Yet, I only watch one influencer's vlogs.
He plays quite well.
And uploads some of his gaming videos.
I'm a big fan.
So I would watch a lot.

Do you think people spend too much time in playing games?

Not even a bit.
Because of the busy work time / heavy workloads.
There is not enough time for people to play video games that much.

How often do you use maps on your phone?

Quite a lot.
Every time when I go out,
I open one e-map.
The traffic condition becomes more complicated.
When I want to go to place I've never been to before,
I need to take the use of one map app to find / guide / navigate the way.

Do you have maps at home?

For my passion in geography.
I have a map.
It's folded on the bookshelf.
I could open and check information to know some capitals of the countries from time to time.

What's the most popular means of transportation in your hometown?

A metro line for sure.
People could commute in higherefficiency(效率)and shorter time.
People don't worry aboutgetting stuck in(困在)traffic jam,
For it travels underground.
Plus / In addition.
A metro is accessible.
The ticket is much cheaper than most of other transportation means,
And a metro station isliterally(字面上)everywhere.

Do you think people will drive more in the future?

Of course not.
Public transportation means have been more accessible than ever.
People could prefer to use them.
They wouldn't drive that much in the future.
The developed system makes people want to use them more.

# Health and Education

Do you do running a lot?

Maybe less than one time in a week.
It's too tiring.
It's like...
I also couldn't find a perfect place for running around the living area / in the neighborhood.

高:All the time / A lot
中:From time to time / Once in a while / Every now and then
低:Rarely / Almost never

What do you think of running as a sport?

It's pretty good.
We could easily start doing jogging.
We could simply run in the neighborhood.
Not far from living area.

Do you like to eat cakes?

I'm kind of into eating cakes.
Whenever I feel tired / exhausted,
It helps with me with energy.
I finish my working tasks...
Try to eat someslivers(小块)offrosting cakes(糖霜蛋糕).
So thefatigue(/fəˈtiːɡ/)would be swept away.
And Isort of(算是)like the flavor.
It fits my taste bud.

Do you like to have some desserts after meals?

They could cause some dental issues.
And that's horrible, I hate that.
Especially I could be full after dinners.

Do people like tea and coffee nowadays?

For younger people like me,
We love to drink coffee.
For elders,
They've already developed one of their habits.
I see almost all my teachers / grandparents and friends...
They are kind of mature.
They make tea drink.


When was the last time you had a cup of coffee or tea?

Around 7 a.m. in the morning.
In my flat.
I made some coffee by using some refined or quality coffee beans.
For I could feel refreshed in the whole day.
The cup of coffee was rich in flavor.

Are you good at memorizing things?

No, not actually.
It's likefrom time to time(时不时),
I forget some huge tasks or things.
Thus, I've developed a habit of writing something onmemos(备忘录).

Have you ever forgotten something important?

Unfortunately, yes.
In the second year of college.
One huge exam.
It was in August.
I was going to attend the exam.
Just when I arrived I found it was already over.
That was when I forgot the right time.

How do you remember important things?

I have one way -- taking notes or writing notes down on memos.
In the second term of 3rd grade in college.
In my college library.
I listed all the information down on the memo,
So I didn't forget to attend each of them.

What do you need to remember in your daily life?

Theerrands(差事)I need to run.
Some important tasks.
I would write down some notes on memo apps.
So the notifications would remind me of those things.

What kinds of noises are there in the area where you live?

Horn honking noise(喇叭声).
Though it doens't occur too much.
Sometimes when I try to fall asleep or try to have a nap,
Hear the noise of cars or motorcycles.
That annoys me a bit.
All in all, it's kind of peaceful.

Do you like to stay in a place with a lot of noise?

No, not really.
Noise makes meirritated(恼火).
For which I couldn't do something I want to do.
I could lose my focus or concentration.
So I would be of lower efficiency in my work.

Is making noise one of people's rights?

No, certainly not.
Noise could be disturbance to others.
It influences others' life work or sleeping quality.
That's a horrible act.
That causes hearing damage.
Making noise is a notdecent(体面)act.
Others may get hurt,
And can't hear things clearly.

Which part of the major / subjects do you dislike?

Tricky / tough / difficult.
Solving math problems gives me headache.
I spend much time working out math problems.
I never get good grades in return.

How do you like geography?

I'm kind of into geography.
I like one thing related to geography -- travelling.
I love shooting photos.
And I could use my SLR camera to record everything relevant to the geographical features or the natural views.
