本文整理雅思写作第一部分笔记,内容来自 Shelly。

# 综述

Task 120 mins> 150 words图表作文
Task 240 mins> 250 words议论文或报告

# 形状分类

  • 柱状图 (bar graph)🌟
  • 饼图 (pie graph)
  • 线性图 (line graph)
  • 表格 (table)
  • 地图 (map)
  • 流程图 (flowchart)

# 数据分类

  • 有数据
    • 静态图:没有时间点或者只有一个时间点
    • 动态图:超过一个时间点
  • 没数据
    • 地图
    • 流程图

# 核心要求

# 客观性

  • 图里有什么我们介绍什么
  • 没有第一人称:I think, I believe, in my opinion...
  • 没有原因状语:不要分析因果,不要预判未来趋势

# 准确性

  • 介绍数据力求准确,一定不能抄错数字
  • ⼤约⼤概:approximately, about, around
  • 接近不到:just under, just below, nearly, almost
  • 超出超过:just over, just above

# 详细性

  • 不是 “面面俱到”
  • 要对数据进行分类比较

# 6 类要描述的数据 (main features)

  • 起点
  • 终点
  • 变化趋势
  • 极值(最大值和最小值)
  • 等值(完全相同或非常接近)
  • 明显的倍数关系

# 评分标准

  • Task achievement (TA) 描述清楚
  • Coherence and cohesion (CC) 逻辑性、分类准确
  • Lexical resources (LR) 词汇多样
  • Grammatical range and accuracy (GRA) 句式多变
    如:there be / 定语从句 / 状语从句

# 段落结构

  • 第一段:Introduction
    the graph shows / illustrates the changes of...
  • 第二段:Overall
    Overall, it is clear that...
    And it is also evident that...
  • 第三段:main body 1
    According to the graph...
  • 第四段:main body 2
    As can be seen from the graph...

# 数据变化

# 上升

  • Increase (increased)
  • Rise (rose)
  • Grow ( grew)
  • Show an upward trend / a downward trend

在法国,销售额从 100 万欧元上升到了 550 万欧元。
In France, sales rose from 1 million euros to 5.5 million euros.

销售额增加了 100 万欧元。
Sales increased by 1 million euros.


  1. It showed an upward trend.
  2. It increased from 20% to 30%.
  3. It saw a rise.
  4. There was an increase from 33% to 36%.

# 下降

  • decrease (decreased)
  • decline (declined)
  • fall (fell)

# 波动

  • Fluctuate between...and...

在此期间,每人每年的鸡肉摄入量在 75 至 90 磅之间波动。
During this period, the figure for chicken fluctuated between 75 and 90 pounds per person per year.

# 稳定

  • Remain stable at

2000 年至 2002 年,英国的这一数字稳定在 4.3 亿美元左右。
The figure for the UK remained stable at around $430 million between 2000 and 2002.

It remains stable throughout the twenty year period.

# 变化

  • See (saw)
  • Experience (experienced)

1970 年至 1980 年间,英国的失业率从 2.5% 急剧上升至 7%。
The unemployment rate in the UK saw a sharp rise from 2.5% to 7% between 1970 and 1980.

# 占比

  • Account for (accounted for)
  • Represent (represented)

设备费用占学校预算的 23%。
The cost of equipment represented 23% of the school budget.

1990 年,休闲活动在英国家庭支出中所占比例最高。
Leisure activities accounted for the highest proportion of UK household spending in 1990.

在这两个国家,交通成本和其他成本分别约占家庭预算的 15% 和 10%。
In both countries, transport costs and other costs represented roughly 15% and 10% of household budgets respectively.

# 预测

  • expect (be expected to)
  • predict

预计到 2035 年,火车用户数量将增加到近 700 万。
The number of train users is expected to rise to reach almost 7 million by 2035.

# 倍数(不同事物)

  • Be twice / three times as high (long / popular / fast...) as…

In European countries, the average meat consumption was twice as high as the global average.

# 倍数(相同事物)

  • double (doubled) 变成原来的两倍
  • triple (tripled) 变成原来的三倍

瑞士的销售额从 300 万欧元翻了一番,达到 600 万欧元。
Sales in Switzerland doubled from 3 million euros to 6 million euros.

1999 年至 2002 年间,移动电话的使用量翻了一番。
The use of mobile phones doubled between 1999 and 2002.

# 超过

  • overtake (overtook)

鸡肉的消费量呈上升趋势,在 1980 年超过了羊肉。
The consumption of chicken showed an upward trend, overtaking that of lamb in 1980.

# 急剧

  • Sharp (sharply)
  • Rapid (rapidly)
  • Dramatic (dramatically)
  • Significant (significantly)

1970 年至 1980 年间,鱼的消费量从人均每年 58 磅显著增加到 80 磅左右。
The consumption of fish increased significantly from 58 pounds to around 80 pounds per person per year between 1970 and 1980.

# 缓慢

  • slight (slightly)
  • slow (slowly)

2011 年,租房家庭的比例从 33% 小幅度上升至 36%。
There was a slight increase from 33% to 36% in the percentage of households in rented accommodation in 2011.

# 平稳

  • Steady (steadily)
  • Gradual (gradually)

预计到 2035 年,煤炭消费量将稳步增至 300 万吨。
Coal consumption is expected to increase steadily to 3 million tons in 2035.

# 大约

  • About
  • Around
  • Just over (略多于)
  • Just under (略少于)

从 1979 到 2004 年,鱼的消费量保持平稳,鸡肉的消费量呈飞速增长的趋势,而牛肉和羊肉的消费量呈快速下降的趋势。
From 1979 to 2004, the consumption of fish remained stable, and the consumption of chicken increased significantly, while beef and lamb consumption decreased rapidly. / while the figure for beef and lamb saw a rapid decrease. / there was a rapid decrease in fish consumption.

# 核心句型

  • 主 (the number of…) + 谓 (decreased /increased) + from…to...

男性吸烟者的数量从 1960 年的 21% 下降到 1970 年的 17%。
The number of male smokers decreased from 21% in 1960 to 17% in 1970.

1970 年至 1980 年间,鱼的消费量从每人每年 58 磅大幅增加到 80 磅左右。
The consumption of fish increased significantly from 58 pounds to around 80 pounds per person per year between 1970 and 1980.

  • There be

男性吸烟者有下降趋势,从 1990 年的 21% 下降到 2000 年的 17%。
There was a downward trend of male smokers, from 21% in 1990 to 17% in 2000.

2011 年,租房的家庭比例从 33% 略微上升到 36%。
There was a slight increase from 33% to 36% in the percentage of households in rented accommodation in 2011.

  • 主 + accounted for + % + of…

1960 年,男性吸烟者占美国成年人的 21%。
Male smokers accounted for 21% of American adults in 1960.

Social services account for a substantial / large part of public spending / expense.

# 第一段:Introduction

  • 什么图:bar charts, pie charts, line graphs, tables
  • 描述了:show, give, illustrate, compare
  • 什么事:the breakdown of... (... 的详细说明)/information about...
  • 在哪⾥:in.../at...
  • 在何时:
    in... / from...to... = bewteen...and...
    over a period of (20 years)

# 题目改写

题目 1

The line graph below shows average carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions per person in the United Kingdom, Sweden, Italy and Portugal between 1967 and 2007.

改写 1

The line graph illustrates average carbon dioxide emissions per person in four European countries over a period of 40 years between 1967 and 2007.
The line graph gives the breakdown of carbon dioxide emissions per person in four European countries over a period of 40 years between 1967 and 2007.

题目 2

The pie chart below shows units of electricity production by fuel source in Australia and France in 1980 and 2000.

改写 2

The pie chart compares the sources of electricity in Australia and France in 1980 and 2000.
The pie chart gives the electricity breakdown(明细)in Australia and France in 1980 and 2000.
The pie chart gives information about sources of electricity in...

必须删除 below,
转述题目不需要改动太多,2-4 处即可。

# 第二段:Overall

  • Overall, it is clear that...
  • And it is also evident that...


The graph compares the volumes of goods transported by fourmeans(方式)of transport in the UK during the period 1974 to 2002. / The graph gives the breakdown of goods transported by four means of transport in the UK from 1974 to 2002.


Overall, it is clear that almost every means of transport in the UK saw an upward trend in the goods delivered. And it is also evident that road transportation delivered more goods than any other means of transport.

Overall, all the countries see an upward trend between 1970 and 2020, and the same trend is expected to continue in 2030 and 2040.

# 第三段:Main Body

# 静态图


# 少数据

  • 最值 + 剩余数值规律(相似、倍数)
    most of...preferred to..., with 数据,while only 数据... By contrast, the number of ... 数据 was similar to that of ... 数据

Most of UK graduates were more willing to have further study, with 29665, while only 3,500 graduates chose to do voluntary work. By contrast, the number of students who chose to do a part-time job was similar to that of those who did not have a job. (approximately 17,700 and 16,000respectively(分别))

  • 最值、数值规律不明,数据按照从大到小 / 从小到大排列
    最大,and /while 第二。第三,on the other hand, was slighter, which was... and finally 最⼩.

The number of graduates was the largest, at 809, and / while the second largest was that of postgraduates (790). The number of girls, on the other hand, was slighter, which was 700 and finally, that of boys was only 500.

  • 两种写法之间过渡
    Compared with the situation of A, that of B was a bit different.
    Compared with the situation of graduates, that of postgraduates was a bit different.

# 多数据

  • 大类别和小类别
  • 最大值一段、最小值一段

From the table, it can be seen that the expenditure on food, drinks and tobacco was noticeably higher in Turkey than other countries, with 32.14%, which is followed by Ireland, with 28.91%. Similarly, the proportion of the cost of leisure and education was also very large in Turkey, with 4.35%. By contrast, Italian spent much more money on clothing and footwear than other countries, at 9%.
Sweden had the lowest percentages of national consumer expenditure on food / drinks / tobacco, and clothing / footwear, at 15.77% and 5.4% respectively. Spain, on the other hand, had slightly larger figure in these two categories, but had the lowest figure for leisure and education, at 1.98%.

Utah has the largest percentage of young people aged under 18 (28%), followed by California (17%) and Florida (16%). Florida has the highest number of those aged 60+ (23%), while the figure for Utah is the lowest.
Although residents in California have the highest average yearly income per person among the three ($23,000), 16% of Californian people are poor. By contrast, only 9% of the people of Utah are below poverty line, whereas the average income in this state is only $17,000.

# 动态图🌟

  • 逻辑分类(增长和下降 / 增速和降速)
  • 趋势
  • 差值(对比大小)

# 两年

  • 按类别分段
  • 先写第一年,再写第二年

Only 5% of the visitors rated the customer service as excellent in 2005, while 14% thought it was good, and 45% rated it as satisfactory. In 2010, people rating the customer service as excellent and good increased to 28% and 39%. However, the figure for satisfactory fell to 17%.
Five years later, the guests thought more positively about their stay in the hotel, so the figures for these responses stood at 28% for excellent, 39% for good. However, guests who said the customer work was satisfactory fell to 17%.
In terms of negative responses, 21% of the guests in 2005 told the service was poor, and 15% reported a very poor experience. By contrast, in 2010, people who said the service was poor and very poor fell rapidly to 12% and 4%.
By contrast, in 2010, the hotel managed to lower the percentage of "poor" responses by 9% and "very poor" to an insignificant figure (4%).

In 2012, 83 million tourists visited France, and the USA was the second most visited country, with 66.7 million tourists. Spain and China each received just under 58 million visitors, while Italy was ranked fifth with 46.4 million tourists. In 2013, all the countries saw a rise in tourist visits between 1 and 4 million, with the exception of China, which received 2 million fewer visitors than in the previous year.
Spending by visitors visiting the USA increased from $126.2 billion in 2012 to $139.6 billion in 2013, and these figures were well over twice as high as those for any country. Spain received the second highest amounts of tourist revenue rising from $56.3 billion to $60.4 billion, followed by France, China and Italy. Interestingly, despite falling numbers of tourists, Chinese revenue from tourism rose by $1.7 billion in 2013.

# 多年

  • Introduction
  • Overall
  • Main Body 1 - 起点(静态图写法)
  • Main Body 2 - 一个类别的总趋势(终点)+ ⼀个类别特征(极值)
  • Main Body 3 - 另一类别的总趋势(终点)+ 另一类别特征(极值、交点)

In 1967, the heaviest emission of CO2 was in the UK with about 11 metric tonnes, while that in Portugal was only about 1 metric tonne. By contrast, the data for Sweden (about 9 metric tonnes) was almost twice as much as that of Italy (approximately 4 metric tonnes).
However, CO2 emissions of the UK and Sweden both decreased to roughly 9 and 5 metric tonnes in 2007, but there was a noticeable rise in Sweden during the first decade, peaking at(峰值)just over 10 metric tonnes in 1977.
The data for Italy increased gradually to nearly 8 metric tonnes, overtaking(超过)that of Sweden at about 7 metric tonnes after 1987, and that of Portugal showed a similar upward trend to almost 6 metric tonnes in 2007.

In 1900, around 500 km³ (cubic kilometers) of water was used for agricultural purposes worldwide, while the figures for industrial consumption and domestic water consumption stood at only around 100 km³.
From 1900 and 2000, global water use for agriculture rose dramatically to around 3000 km³. By contrast, global industrial water use increased to around half that amount and domestic consumption only reached around 500 km³.

# 地图

# 段落

  • Introduction
  • Overall
  • Main Body 1 changes 1 / 第一幅图
  • Main Body 2 changes 2 / 第二幅图

# 句型

  • A is located ...(at the center of park).

  • A is opposite B

  • A was expanded
    A was expanded to twice its original size = the size of A almost doubled.

  • The size of A was reduced
    The size of A was reduced to half of the original size.

  • First, next, then, finally

The graphs illustrate the layout of a university’s sports centre before and after refurbishment.
Overall, the project added facilities to the University’s sports centre would make it look well-developed.
Overall, there are many facilities added to the University's sports centre. After refurbishment, the sports center looks well-developed.
At present, the university sports centre is a rectangular building which has outdoor courts both at its East and West. In the main building, towards the left of the reception, there is a changing room, and just opposite to it, across the 25m pool, there exists the seating facility. It also has a gym towards its north.
The first noticeable change which is seen in the future plan is the addition of a leisure pool at the West, next to the changing room. Towards the south of the leisure pool, where an outdoor court is situated now, there would be an additional changing room and a sports shop. Opposite to these two, towards the East, another changing room is planned with an adjacent cafe. The outdoor court at the East would be transformed to a sports hall and towards its further East two dance studios are planned. The next visible change is the expansion of gym towards the East.

# 流程图

  • 通常使用一般现在时

  • 流程图的表达:
    This flowchart provides an overview of...

  • 表示顺序的连接词:
    This process involves four main stages / steps: First, next, then, later, subsequently, after this, meanwhile

  • 流程图没有总结段

# 题纲

  • 开头段:转述题目
  • 主体段:描写橄榄油的主要制作过程,包括:采摘 (pick) -> 冲洗 (rinse) -> 碾磨 (mill) -> 加热 (heat) -> 榨取 (press) -> 分离 (separate) -> 提取并分装 (bottle) -> 运输 (transport)

The flowchart provides an overview of producing olive oil, which mainly relies on crushing olives to release the oil trapped inside.
This process involves four main steps. Picking olives is the first step in making olive oil and there is a huge vat to collect the falling olives, which subsequently will be delivered to the pool and rinsed with water. In the following stage, olives are milled to remove unnecessary parts before being heated by an oven with the constant temperature of 27℃. Afterwards, the mixture will be pressed until the oil is extracted, leaving waste behind. In the next step, it is a water-motor centrifuge that assists in separating oil from waste solid, which will be then conveyed to the tank.
Finally, after water is thoroughly discarded in the tank, the virgin oil will be bottled in the processing plant and then transported by lorry for human needs.
