本文整理雅思口语第二部分笔记,内容来自 Shine。

  1. 标题同替
  2. 建立联系
  3. 标题核心信息
  4. 其他感受

# 人物

Describe a successful sportsperson you admire.
Describe a successful businessperson you know.
Describe a popular / well-known person in you're interested in.
Describe a foreigner who speaks Chinese very well.

Share a person of great success who has done well in business.
His name is Shaquill O'neal.
A dominant basketball player.
Besides a good businessman.
I want to share.
When It was about in senior high.
Where I happened to watch some of his highlights in some final games on social media.
What He almost destroyed the defence in those games.
How And I became following this person.
And I also know that he could do well more than in sport field.
After his retirement,
He run his businesses.
Like in apparel industry,
He owns several fast food chains.
All of those businesses give him lots of profit.
So I believe he is successful.
I also know that his achievements in sport field.
When he played in the league,
He was so good.
That even three players on the court couldn't defense him.
So the league even changed one rule for him.

Describe a person who enjoys cooking for others.
Describe a successful person who you once studied or worked with.
Describe a person who always has interesting ideas or opinions.
Describe an old person you enjoy talking with.
Describe a person who is good at making people feel welcome in his/her home.

I'd like to share a person who has fun ideas.
He always brings in the amusing views.
He is my grandpa.
I want to share more information of this person.
We have stronger bond.
It's like I study in a different city.
But in vacations,
I go to his place for hanging out like 2 or 3 days in a week.
3 fun
Unlike other elders,
He shows strong passion for many cultures.
A couple of months ago,
We attended one bakery lesson.
During the class,
I just learned and did it step by step.
Yet the old person,
Tried to make the cheesecake and biscuits in several different shapes.
3 enjoys cooking for others
He loves cooking to treat others.
And no doubt he's really talented in cooking.
All the visitors or guest they can try the local tasty foods,
Like they go to a restaurant.
3 studied or worked with
He teaches in his life,
And has passed on quite much knowledge to all the students.
Some of his students have achieved success themselves.
He can be reallyhospitable(好客)and kind to everyone,
Not just me.
Every guest would be treated with snacks and tasty dishes.
And he loves take care of everyone he's close to.
So that's the person with you.

# 地点

Describe a beautiful city.
Describe a place in your country that you think is interesting.
Describe a place you would like to go to relax.
Describe a time when some people near you made a lot of noise.

I'd like to share one experience.
That a couple of people.
They were quite noisy.
And I'd like to bespecific(具体)about the whole story.
It was like 2 or 3 months ago.
I went to Xiamen which is a city located in the southeast of China with parents.
For we wanted to get away from the cold weather.
And I'd love to see the ocean view.
3 吵
We went to Gulangyu,
One star attraction in town.
It was like the biggest holiday in China,
So there were like thousands of visitors.
And they kept talking loud,
So it was quite noisy.
3 美
We spent some time on the beach and got to see the best sunset view.
What's more the plants on the beach added a different touch to the picture.
Not to mention the city view or landscape was also good.
3 有趣
On the first day after finishing the lunch,
We went to one beach.
We surely saw some fun activities people did,
Like beach volleyball.
There were also some water activities.
I engaged in one of them,
The water motorcycle.
I had lots of fun from it.
3 放松
We went to the beach.
We chose a perfect spot and sat on the chairs on the beach.
Three of us had conversation when seeing the sunset.
That was quite a way to chill out.
Other than that.
It was a pleasant trip,
For we got to see the best view on the beach.
Besides in the trip,
We got to try fancy foods.
I loved the way they cooked seafood.

Describe a park or a garden in your city.
Describe a public facility (e.g. a museum, a library) that has been renovated and improved.

I'd like to share a facility in the public place.
It's a natural park called Shahekou.
It's located in southern part of my town.
When In senior high.
Who I went to the park for the first time with parents.
Why Since it was newly built.
What And I was impressed by the view in the park.
Well I recently knew that...
A new football court and several basketball courts have been built.
I remember that the one or two years ago.
I went there and I only got to see plants and flowers.
And I'm a super fan of sports culture.
I get to play in the park from time to time.
I could do some jogging.
It's like normally on each Sunday's morning I go to the park to keep fit and improve fitness.

Describe a time you bought something from a street (or outdoor) market.

I'd like to share one experience I went to Huiminjie.
One star attraction also a local street market in Xi'an my hometown.
And I purchased something.
A bag of laniurou kind of beef jerky.
Share more of it.
It was before Chinese festival vacation this year.
I wanted to get some local specialty to give a gift to one of my friends.
So I went to the popular street market to buy some.
I want to tell you the whole buying thing.
It was early in the morning.
When I got there it was just 8 a.m..
There was like a line waiting out there in front of the store.
And I lined up for my turn like for an hour.
And got two bags of beef jerky.
Other than that...
My friend and his family tried the local specialty I gave.
And they all said that it was tasty.
They loved it.
I believed it worth the wait.

# 物品

Describe a drawing / painting that you like.
Describe a photo that makes you feel happy.
Describe a useful object in your home that you cannot live without.

I'd like to share one important item in my flat.
Which I like it most,
It's a photo framed and hung up on the wall of our living room.
It was in junior high time.
I went to a city lasa located in southwest of China with four other family members grandparents and parents.
We drove there and we got toPotala(布达拉宫).
A huge temple and popular and when we took a walk around I saw the most stunning view.
And I hired a photographer to took one family photo for us.
The temple is in the background,
And five of us are sitting in front of the gate of temple.
All of us look good on camera there are smiles on our faces.
And on the upper side of the picture,
There is the sky and it's crystal clear.
So that's the best photo ever.
All of us love it.
A couple of days after the trip,
We decided to develop the film and framed, then we put it on the wall.
It's the best decoration in our flat.
Thus we can't live without it.

# 媒体

Describe a movie you watched that you felt strongly about.

I'd like to share one film that gave me strong feelings.
Its name isLes Choristes(放牛班的春天),
A French movie about education in senior high.
I want to share more about it.
In senior high.
In psychological class our teacher played movie for us, he aimed to let us know more about education.
That was my first time watching it.
The movie is about...
In 1940s, in one traditional senior high school.
Teachers were limited to teach poetries.
While one music class teacher comes to the place to teach music.
In one occasion, he shared one classic poem with the whole class and students fell in love with cultures.
I was deeply touched.
I believe education brings in one important role.
Teachers and schools should have the duty to inspire students to learn.
It reminds me of my learning process.
Most of teachers ask students to memorize rather than sparking their interest.
That's not so good.

Describe a good and useful advertisement.

I'd like to share one meaningful and great advertisement.
It's one piece of non-profit advertisement.
It impresses me a lot and I want to share more about it.
It was around my 7 or 8 years old.
And one day after school when I was having dinner.
And I happened to see the advertisement on TV in the living room.
The ad was about a boy just sees his mom bring a bucket of hot water for washing his grandparents' feet.
And he learns from it and then he acts the same.
It can be educational.
Even I was a little kid back then I knew it was a good moral or virtue to anything good to parents to be grateful.

Describe a piece of good advice that you gave to someone.
Describe one difficulty you overcame at study that made you feel proud.
Describe a time that something changed your life in good ways.
Describe a useful skill that you learned as a teenager.

I'd like to share one experience that improved my life in a way.
It's a good skill I've learnt.
I want to share more about it.
When I was around 17,
Still a senior high student.
I hadsetbacks(挫折)when trying to solve some math problems.
And I turned to my math teacher.
She shared a tip or one advice which was about me improving my calculation ability.
I really improved my math grade in CEE -- college entrance exam.
And I could spend less time dealing with tricky math problems.
Not only about that,
It improved my life.
When I dine out with my friends or parents,
I could use my quick math ability to check the bill information.
It is quite beneficial for me,
For the things I just mentioned.
Besides I have more passion for math or math learning.

Describe an occasion when you used a map (e.g. a paper map, an electronic map) that was useful.

I'd like to share one time I used one map app on smart phone.
And it indeed helped me a lot.
I want to share the whole story.
It was in third year in college.
In autumn vacation I went to Wuhan -- a southern city with one of my college friends.
And in the last day,
We made a plan to ride a bicycle across a really huge lake to reach the high speed rail station.
It was our first time visiting the city.
We weren't that familiar with the lake even it is like the star attraction in town.
So we lost our way during the cycling at one point.
That was the moment we opened an app.
It was quite useful.
The e-map even offered routes for us.
And for sure we arrived at the station on time as we expected.
And the route we chose was the fastest one.
On the way of cycling,
We did enjoy the stunning view on the two sides.

# 事件

Describe a party that you enjoyed.

I want to share a party that I got a lot ofkick()from.
It was a barbecue party I had in last autumn .
I want to share more about it.
Our company just held this activity or party.
And almost all the co-workers and me just engaged in.
It was held out of town.
We started at 10 a.m..
That was a fun party.
Some of us were preparing for the food ingredients in the yard.
Some of us were singing and playing board games.
And at noon time,
We had the great meal.
And all thekebabs(烤肉串)were tasty.
It was a perfect time for us to hang out with each other.
For normally,
We had much stress in our daily work.
And after the fun activity,
We felt much relieved.

Describe a bad service you received in a restaurant / shop.
Describe an occasion when you heard someone complaining about something in a restaurant / store or other business places.
Describe you wait longer time for a good thing.

I'd like to share one experience I heard that someone was complaining to another person.
And I want to share the whole story.
On one weekend in last autumn.
Barbecue restaurant.
I and my friends, we made a plan to have a big dinner.
And the place was said to offer tasty foods.
We arrived at the place and lined up around 6 p.m..
3 complaining
After a couple of minutes.
I heard a couple, mid-aged,
They were complaining.
They waited too long for their table.
And it took about two hour from them.
Even the working staff told them they only needed one hour.
And the manager showed up and apologized.
And they offered discount on the the dinner.
And some free snacks.
So the couple didn't feel that mad.

Describe a time when you had a problem with using the computer.
Describe a time you had to finish something quickly.

I'd like to share one experience that my computer broke down when I tried to use it finish my academic work.
Share more of it.
At the end of last semester,
My teacher of social work asked us to finish one task.
And I had to use my computer to finish.
Around 6 p.m. I tried to finish it.
Yet I found I couldn't boot the system.
And I panicked.
I tried rebooting besides I tried to google and browsed information.
None of them worked.
I had limited time to submit.
So I turned to one of my roomies who already finished.
He lent me his one.
It turned out to be good.
I finished and submitted on time.
And on the second day,
I went to themaintenance(维修)place.
And got it fixed in a couple of days.

Describe an outdoor activity.
Describe one unusual vacation.
Describe an exciting adventure you would like to take in the future.
Describe an exciting activity that you experienced with someone else.
Describe a long term goal you want to achieve.
Describe something you did that made you feel tired.
Describe a time you were very busy.

I'd like to share one thrilling activity,
That I engaged in with a couple of friends.
It was going to a skiingresort(胜地).
And we skied for the whole afternoon.
When It was about 2 months ago.
Where I went back to my hometown a northern city.
How And Icaught up with(聚了聚)a couple of friends.
Why We made a plan to have fun, we decided to go skiing.
3 exciting
That was my first time trying.
I never skied myself.
And theslopes(斜坡)weren't that friendly for a beginner.
So I couldn't control my body and speed.
And fell down for a couple of times.
3 long term goal
I want to do better.
And who doesn't want to look good and skilled in a certain field.
I just made a plan.
In every winter vacation,
I would go skiing for a couple of times.
3 made you feel tired
I fell down for a couple of times.
And we skied for 4 hours.
The cold weather made feel exhausted even faster.
Every hour I needed to take a break.
It was a bit too thrilling that I didn't dare to ski for too much time.
Maybe I would start from an easier level for next time.
We had a great time.

Describe a time when someone who did quite well in a team (e.g. schoolwork or a community).
Describe an interesting activity that you remember enjoying most in your primary school.

I'd like to share one amusing activity which I had lots of fun in primary school time.
That was like a singing performance and I'd like to share more of it.
It was in my fourth year of primary school time.
And in May, each class of our grade is asked to take part in one singing competition.
And all of the whole class needed to sing together.
I was part of this.
I still remember we needed to practice before the performance.
At first time, I wasn't so good with the pace.
And I was so shy to sing out loud.
But the practice or therehearsal(排练)was quite fun.
I sang with all the other classmates.
Some of them were quite good.
Then on the day,
We were pretty good.
I wasn't nervous at all.
And we won the first place in the contest.
So that was quite one pleasant experience.

Describe a time when you picked up an item that someone else lost.
Describe a time when you helped someone.

I'd like to share one experience that I found an important item and I gave back it to the person who lost thestuff(东西).
I helped him.
And I'd like to share the whole story.
It was in last month, me and one friend,
We went to one famous barbecue restaurant in a huge mall.
And after ordering the foods,
I went out to the bathroom and I found one ID card on the floor inside the restaurant.
I picked up and everyone knows ID card means a lot.
And the person who lost it must be anxious now.
So I looked around but I didn't find the person.
Then I went to the manager and told him everything.
He promised he would give it back if he saw the owner.
And after around half an hour,
I saw a guy hurrying to the manger and he looked quite anxious.
I assumed he was the owner.
And he got the ID card he lost.
So that was a good ending.

# 特殊

Describe a historical period / moment you would like to learn more about.

I prefer to study more about Tang dynasty,
One historical period in Chinese history,
One of the mostremarkable(非凡)periods in all times.
And I have some passion in learning it.
After attending college,
I happened to watch one documentary about Tang dynasty.
That was when I grew some interest and I had my urge of learning more about it.
For starter I'm a bit curious about the economy.
In that period of time,
Tang already started foreign trading with several countries,
Like ancient Japan.
I want to learn more about literature.
Especially the classical poems area sign of(象征)Tang dynasty.
The most talented poets were born in the dynasty.
Also the clothing of that dynasty also impress me.
Not only people at that age wore the clothing,
Even now.
For some visitors or younger people they love to buy clothing of Tang dynasty design.
And shoot photos of themselves wearing the type of outfits.

Describe an area of science (biology, robotics, etc.) that you are interested in and would like to learn more about.

I'd like to share one field of scientific knowledge with you.
That I have strong passion for learning it.
It's one field related to nutrition.
And I want to say more about it.
It was in last year,
As a sophomore student I was asked to pick one selected course.
And I happened to choose nutrition.
During the classes I'd grown some interest.
I got to know something new.
I used to believe / I got the health diet from internet / the people told, we should cut down the intake or maybe eat little to keep fit.
After attending the class,
I got to know the so-called healthy diet could be harmful for human being's fitness.
And I got to know the better way to keep fit,
And stay in shape.
Like try to eat more vitamin protein,
Eat carbs in certain amount.
Then people could stay in shape.
So I want to more about nutrition.

Describe a rule that is important in your school or at work.
Describe a uniform you wear (e.g. at school, at work).

I'd like to share one uniform / I would say adressing code(着装规范)at work / at my part time working place.
And I want to share more about it.
It is like the beginning of my fourth year,
I just have more time to find a part time job.
So I go to one fast food chain.
For working at the cashier to earn more allowance or pocket money.
All of us are asked to wear uniform.
We need to wear red cap and blackapron(围裙),
And white shirt inside.
And normally we wear for 7 hours,
In differentshifts(班次).
I believe that's quite one important rule.
For starter,
It shows us being professional at the work place.
Other than that,
I could have more passion when I'm at work.
I know I have the duty to provide better service.

Describe a job that you would not like to do.

I'd like to share one work or job position with you that I'm not fond of.
It's work related to sales.
Share more about it.
When it was in the third year of my college time,
All of the junior college students were asked to findinternship(实习)jobs,
As one practical skill course.
And I found one sales work inreal estate(房地产).
After one time I had to treat some of my clients when drinking alcohol.
I started to lose passion in the job.
There are some features I hate.
It's tiring.
Normally sales people don't get off work on time.
They may go to serve or treat clients.
Sales people need topretend(假装)to be nice to all themean(刻薄)people.
What's more,
Sales need to try so hard to achieve their sales goals.
That could beoverwhelming(不知所措).
The punishment can be severe if they fail to achieve the goal.

Describe a travel you were looking forward to but was delayed.

I'd like to share one journey trip I really love to go for.
While actually I had to cancel the plan and went for another day.
That was about my plan to Korea.
I always have interest in Korean culture.
So in the last year I signed up for onepackage(套餐)tour to Korea and I was set to go on December 16th.
While two days before the start of the trip,
I had a fever.
Just for on the day I didn't wear too much clothing when I went out from a restaurant.
And I had to cancel the plan so I called the travelling agency.
I told and informed them everything.
And my plan would be delayed for two months.
I got disappointed.
After all I was quite looking forward it.
And Iregretted(后悔)for I didn't put on enoughlayers(衣服).
And that was the whole story.