本文整理 GRE 真题合集填空篇(2023 版)二级高频部分笔记,题目来自 Jeff。

# 单空


# XXGSC0191

The impact of the film on what people believe happened illustrates the power of fiction to ____ certain historical interpretations: patently fabricated, the film nevertheless supports and sustains people's cherished understanding of the events depicted.
A. defuse
B. ratify
C. compel
D. isolate
E. anticipate


A. 化解
B. 批准
C. 强制
D. 隔离
E. 预测

# XXGSC0192

The effect of the film's expansive, darkly mournful opening sequence was magnified by a score that was similarly ____ and unrelenting.
A. iridescent
B. volatile
C. equivocal
D. plangent
E. blithe


A. 虹彩
B. 易变
C. 含混
D. 朗朗上口
E. 轻快

# XXGSC0193

____ though individual mosquitoes appear, historically they have shown an impressive ability to travel, sometimes as stowaways in water casks and drinking vessels on ships traveling to distant continents.
A. Peripatetic
B. Indistinguishable
C. Harmless
D. Frail
E. Noisome


A. 流动性
B. 无差别
C. 无害
D. 脆弱
E. 吵闹

# XXGSC0194

Enlarged sensory organs in cave-dwelling organisms are not necessarily the rule: the phreatic Texas bling catfish has actually developed ____ barbels, whisker-like sensory organs near the mouth that are a prominent feature of other catfish species.
A. protective
B. minute
C. intimidating
D. inordinate
E. fragile


A. 保护
B. 小的
C. 恐吓
D. 无度
E. 脆弱

# XXGSC0195

The argument, while important, combines analysis and ____, swinging in tone from patient consideration to bitter invective.
A. introspection
B. prevarication
C. facetiousness
D. idealism
E. polemic


A. 自省
B. 推诿
C. 爱面子
D. 理想主义
E. 争论

# XXGSC0196

Any dissent within the company is necessarily ____ because of the overwhelming preponderance of the company president's supporters, who quickly quash all opposition to her policies.
A. consequential
B. untrammeled
C. exigent
D. ephemeral
E. constructive


A. 结果
B. 不受约束
C. 紧急
D. 短暂的
E. 建设性

# XXGSC0197

The survey showed widespread misgivings among Asian business leaders, with even those who have prospered most in the recent past not being ____ about their future prospects.
A. forthright
B. apprehensive
C. sanguine
D. abashed
E. morose


A. 直率
B. 忧心忡忡
C. 乐观
D. 羞愧
E. 情绪低落

# XXGSC0198

As a history, Bunker's book can seem ____, prone as it is to diverting asides such as an engaging disquisition on the political science of early modern Europe.
A. holistic
B. unstinting
C. misanthropic
D. unsettling
E. haphazard


A. 整体性
B. 毫不吝啬
C. 厌世
D. 令人不安
E. 杂乱无章

# XXGSC0199

Because limestone is a highly soluble rock, limestone regions are easily ____ by acidic rainwater.
A. replaced
B. neutralized
C. distended
D. obstructed
E. modified


A. 取代
B. 中和
C. 膨胀
D. 阻碍
E. 改变

# XXGSC0200

Director Spike Lee could well feel ____ certain recent cultural shifts because while he has not changed his own controversial positions, attitudes in the wider culture have become more aligned with his views.
A. threatened by
B. vindicated by
C. impatient with
D. neutral about
E. disconnected from


A. 受到威胁
B. 平反
C. 不耐烦
D. 持中立态度
E. 与之脱节


# XXGSC0201

One enhancement to artificial-intelligence-based virtual assistants involves their ability to pinpoint moments when human users make a request and then ____: a new machine-learning algorithm allows the software to identify rescission.
A. reiterate
B. backtrack
C. give up
D. elaborate
E. hesitate


A. 重申
B. 反悔
C. 放弃
D. 详细说明
E. 犹豫

# XXGSC0202

Until 2007, Japanese artist Kazuo Shiraga was ____ collectors in the United States; his current resurgence is helped by the vogue for so-called process-based abstraction and a revival of interest in performance art.
A. vastly overrated by
B. widely studied among
C. closely affiliated with
D. virtually unknown to
E. deliberately exoticized by


2007 年之前,日本艺术家白鹿一雄几乎不为美国藏家所知;目前,所谓的过程抽象主义的流行以及对行为艺术兴趣的复苏,都有助于他的重新崛起。
A. 被广泛高估
B. 被广泛研究
C. 关系密切
D. 几乎无人知晓
E. 被故意异化

# XXGSC0203

Since the diplomat knew that her diary might eventually be made public and that it would therefore be advisable to omit sensitive details, it is surprising that she described events with such ____.
A. skill
B. disinterest
C. obfuscation
D. candor
E. reticence


A. 技能
B. 不感兴趣
C. 含糊不清
D. 坦诚
E. 缄默

# XXGSC0204

The watchword in astronomy is ____: all claims must be examined critically in the light of current knowledge, and one's mind should never be closed to the possibility that a theory could be wrong.
A. implausibility
B. imagination
C. wariness
D. determination
E. incoherency


A. 不可信
B. 想象力
C. 戒心
D. 决心
E. 不连贯

# XXGSC0205

The politician was famously restrained, with a tendency to focus his fury inward: while he would defend himself publicly against detractors' attacks, he would never stoop to ____.
A. refutation
B. adjuration
C. fulmination
D. asseveration
E. ingratiation


A. 驳斥
B. 判决
C. 抨击
D. 宣誓
E. 讨好

# XXGSC0206

Artist Mrinalini Mukherjee (1949-2015) initially pursued painting but eventually found herself drawn to sculpture, perhaps because her lack of training in the latter subject ____ a certain liberating ignorance about the medium's limitations.
A. mitigated against
B. translated into
C. reached beyond
D. derived from
E. prevailed over


艺术家 Mrinalini Mukherjee(1949-2015 年)最初从事绘画创作,但最终发现自己被雕塑所吸引,这或许是因为她缺乏雕塑方面的训练,对雕塑媒介的局限性一无所知,因而获得了某种解放。
A. 减轻
B. 转化为
C. 超越
D. 源自
E. 克服

# XXGSC0207

Neither Giles, whose every initiative floundered, nor Haldeman, whose only successes were trifling, can be considered ____ personal triumph.
A. a mockery of
B. a paradox of
C. the antithesis of
D. an avatar of
E. an anodyne for


A. 嘲弄
B. 悖论
C. 对立面
D. 化身
E. 安慰剂

# XXGSC0208

Those who hypothesize former volcanoes on Ceres must account for the volcanoes' ____: because Ceres lacks an atmosphere, the erosion processes that wear down Earth's mountains don't occur on the dwarf planet.
A. formation
B. activity
C. magnitude
D. composition
E. disappearance


A. 形成
B. 活动
C. 规模
D. 构成
E. 消失

# XXGSC0209

Traditional gendered divisions of labor among the Wabanaki tribe were, in some respects at least, ____; for example, women planted corn only after men had cleared their fields.
A. complementary
B. haphazard
C. flexible
D. unproductive
E. onerous


A. 互补
B. 杂乱无章
C. 灵活
D. 无益
E. 繁琐

# XXGSC0210

The conference panelists covered a broad range of issues fairly evenhandedly, even managing to avoid being ____ when discussing topics that routinely generate heated arguments and strong feelings.
A. forbearing
B. facile
C. equivocal
D. unctuous
E. tendentious


A. 忍耐
B. 容易
C. 含糊不清
D. 虚情假意
E. 倾向性


# XXGSC0211

Refusing to speak plainly, the candidate tested her audience's patience with her ____ speech.
A. unequivocal
B. fustian
C. lucid
D. facile
E. perspicuous


A. 明确
B. 浮躁
C. 清晰
D. 简洁
E. 透彻

# XXGSC0212

Admissions to culinary schools are not linked to the number of projected vacancies in restaurants; this has resulted in a ____ of well-trained chefs, leaving many of them without suitable positions.
A. recession
B. recruitment
C. consortium
D. disregard
E. surfeit


A. 衰退
B. 招聘
C. 联合
D. 忽视
E. 过剩

# XXGSC0213

A beaver's daily activity rhythm can be ____ the natural 24-hour light cycle; indeed some beaver colonies in Canada have shown a free-running cycle of activity that deviates considerably from 24 hours.
A. impaired by
B. decoupled from
C. coterminous with
D. defined by
E. interrupted by


海狸每天的活动节奏可以与自然界 24 小时的光照周期脱钩;事实上,加拿大的一些海狸群落显示出自由活动的周期与 24 小时有很大偏差。
A. 受到损害
B. 脱钩
C. 与之同源
D. 界定
E. 中断

# XXGSC0214

Although the governor was not optimistic about placating the opposing factions, he nevertheless hoped that his statement would have ____ effect.
A. an irenic
B. a coruscating
C. a polemical
D. an obfuscatory
E. a rhetorical


A. 友善
B. 生动
C. 论战
D. 混淆视听
E. 修辞

# XXGSC0215

The company's ____ posture is at odds with its decision to pursue legal action on the grounds that the vendor had violated its contract.
A. peremptory
B. conciliatory
C. partisan
D. authoritarian
E. retributive


A. 强制性
B. 调解
C. 偏袒
D. 独裁
E. 报复性

# XXGSC0216

In light of the extensive climate changes anticipated in the coming century, the discovery that large and sophisticated cultures have already been undone by climate change presents a very ____.
A. reassuring guarantee
B. intriguing supposition
C. unnerving prediction
D. uncomfortable precedent
E. dubious finding


A. 令人放心的保证
B. 耐人寻味的假设
C. 令人不安的预测
D. 令人不安的先例
E. 可疑的发现

# XXGSC0217

Machine learning, a subfield of artificial intelligence that focuses on finding patterns and making predictions, was once ____ technology firms, but the financial industry has recently also embraced its use.
A. profitable for
B. a requirement for
C. the preserve of
D. the bane of
E. peripheral to


A. 有利可图
B. 需要
C. 保护
D. 祸根
E. 周边

# XXGSC0218

Consolidating a memory is not instantaneous or even ____: every memory must be encoded and moved from short-term to long-term storage, and some of those memories are, for whatever reason, more vividly imprinted than others.
A. salutary
B. deliberate
C. sequential
D. momentary
E. inevitable


A. 有益
B. 深思熟虑
C. 有序
D. 瞬间
E. 不可避免

# XXGSC0219

It is curious that the same industrialists who are increasingly ____ about the economy's prospects are no cheerier about their own firm's outlook than they were a year ago.
A. morose
B. laconic
C. sanguine
D. loquacious
E. knowledgeable


A. 忧郁
B. 简洁
C. 乐观
D. 滔滔不绝
E. 博学

# XXGSC0220

Establishing the exact boundaries of a piece of property can be ____ process; some of the bitterest battles in contemporary society are waged between neighbors fighting over small slivers of land.
A. a definitive
B. a scrupulous
C. an expedient
D. a fraught
E. a deliberate


A. 明确
B. 一丝不苟
C. 权宜之计
D. 充满争议
E. 深思熟虑


# XXGSC0221

With his winning personality and ingratiating manner, Arturo found it a simple matter to ____ the deed to the property for himself, though its original holder initially seemed impervious to persuasion.
A. inveigle
B. confiscate
C. impound
D. annul
E. abrogate


A. 引诱
B. 没收
C. 扣押
D. 废除
E. 废除

# XXGSC0222

Throughout his book, Venter savors his reputation as ____, believing himself righteous and embattled, as when his choices to sequence genome fragments and to patent expressed sequence tags provoked outrage among fellow scientists.
A. a tactician
B. an iconoclast
C. an opportunist
D. a clairvoyant
E. a dilettante


在书中,文特尔自诩为 “偶像破坏者”,他认为自己是正义的,也是受难的,比如他选择对基因组片段进行测序,并为所表达的序列标签申请专利,这激起了其他科学家的愤怒。
A. 战术家
B. 偶像破坏者
C. 机会主义者
D. 预知未来者
E. 业余爱好者

# XXGSC0223

Historians of medicine are resigned to doctors' ____ medical history: physicians offer hagiographic biographies of obscure nineteenth-century medical figures, triumphalist narratives of medical progress, and retrospective diagnoses of ailments afflicting historical characters.
A. clarifications of
B. disaffection with
C. condescension toward
D. incursions into
E. indifference to


A. 澄清
B. 不满意
C. 居高临下
D. 侵入
E. 漠不关心

# XXGSC0224

During the United States Civil War, some African American newspapers urged Black men to join the fight, but these publications were more than just ____: they also provided historical analyses of the issues surrounding emancipation.
A. forensic
B. hortatory
C. quixotic
D. tenacious
E. eulogistic


A. 法医
B. 激励
C. 奇思妙想
D. 顽强
E. 颂扬

# XXGSC0225

Some researchers have plausibly suggested that the ____ of play behavior in animals experiencing stressful conditions is evidence that play has high biological costs.
A. ubiquity
B. diminution
C. sophistication
D. diversity
E. existence


A. 无处不在
B. 减少
C. 复杂性
D. 多样性
E. 存在

# XXGSC0226

Some species' camouflage patterns may be ____, granting those species a higher chance of survival in a heterogeneous environment.
A. plastic
B. subtle
C. singular
D. consistent
E. imitable


A. 可塑性
B. 微妙
C. 单一
D. 连贯
E. 模仿性

# XXGSC0227

Because they were traditionally ____, Jain monks in sixteenth-century India particularly valued special dispensations from the royal court granting them freedom of movement.
A. erudite
B. ascetic
C. apolitical
D. peripatetic
E. solitary


A. 博学
B. 禁欲主义
C. 非政治性
D. 漫游
E. 孤独

# XXGSC0228

Long necks, such as those found in all birds, are relatively ____ in the natural world because they are vulnerable to attack and radiate valuable body heat.
A. rare
B. inconspicuous
C. unremarkable
D. valuable
E. prevalent


A. 罕见
B. 不显眼
C. 毫不起眼
D. 有价值
E. 普遍

# XXGSC0229

Mathematical knowledge has long been regarded as being essentially stable and hence rooted in a world of ideas only superficially ____ to historical forces.
A. indifferent
B. superior
C. susceptible
D. extraneous
E. oblivious


A. 无动于衷
B. 高人一等
C. 易受影响
D. 外来
E. 遗忘

# XXGSC0230

We tend to perceive the classification of zoo animals into scientific categories such as species and subspecies as ____, but the definition of many species is still hotly debated among biologists and conservationists.
A. abstruse
B. equivocal
C. incontrovertible
D. imperative
E. indiscernible


A. 深奥
B. 含糊不清
C. 无可争议
D. 势在必行
E. 难以辨认

# 双空


# XXGSC0231

The scientific view of the natural world is necessarily (i): the tools used by science to extend into realms beyond human sensorial reach and collect data that inform the perception of reality are (ii).

A. inconstantD. generally unreliable
B. myopicE. inherently limited
C. abstruseF. continually evolving


# XXGSC0232

One radical approach to literary translation is to (i) creating a (ii) reproduction of the original work and simply to compose a new work, but in a manner inspired by the older one.

A. despair ofD. popular
B. resign oneself toE. faithful
C. aim forF. dense


# XXGSC0233

Many elected officials have (i) into believing that the new reforms represent a solution rather than (ii) of the problem. Unfortunately, such self-deception is not uncommon among politicians.

A. conned othersD. an elucidation
B. deluded themselvesE. a resolution
C. persuaded someF. an exacerbation


# XXGSC0234

The (i) that one occasionally finds in the columnist's articles are so memorable that many people think of her as being far more (ii) than she in fact is.

A. banalitiesD. censorious
B. denunciationsE. praiseworthy
C. accoladesF. irresolute


# XXGSC0235

The foundation's new president is well aware that the foundation's charter intends (i) role for the office of president, but he is clearly determined to flout that intention by (ii) as much power and responsibility as possible.

A. a nominalD. delegating
B. an unfetteredE. identifying
C. a clandestineF. annexing


# XXGSC0236

In China, beginning in the 1920s, the field of geography was (i) discourse, alive to indigenous Chinese traditions even as it (ii) key elements of Western scientific geography.

A. an arcaneD. ignored
B. a hybridE. questioned
C. a subjectiveF. absorbed


# XXGSC0237

At its best, the storytelling in this television series manages to accommodate a sense of historical (i). The narrative shows that American independence was not (ii). It was debated. It didn't happen overnight. No one was sure how it would turn out.

A. contingencyD. inevitable
B. plausibilityE. unforeseen
C. constancyF. unremarkable


# XXGSC0238

Curry suggests that what we learn from literature is (i) and might even be (ii): literature allows us to gain skills and sensitivities that can be difficult to put into words.

A. valuableD. vicarious
B. elusiveE. ineffable
C. impracticalF. quixotic


# XXGSC0239

Those who knew the senator well were convinced that in spite of his (i) in larger political matters, there was no (ii) in his expressions of feeling for his constituents.

A. candorD. dissemblance
B. cooperationE. compassion
C. duplicityF. fervency


# XXGSC0240

Amerdeep Singh makes the radical suggestion that film adaptations are entirely (i) their source texts -- that is, he completely dispenses with fidelity to the source as a measure of a film's success and claims that adaptations are (ii) creations.

A. antecedent toD. necessarily reductive
B. compromised byE. wholly invented
C. autonomous fromF. uniformly inferior



# XXGSC0241

A problem with the new collection of Tolson's work, "Harlem Gallery" and Other Poems, is that while it treats his last book with (i), all the poems that came before seem left to fend for themselves, (ii) "Other Poems".

A. disdainD. reduced to
B. careE. lionized as
C. expediencyF. rehabilitated as


# XXGSC0242

Throughout his career he has never displayed a disinterested respect for the truth -- for what was actually said and done rather than for what he wishes bad been. Given such a (i) historical fact, it will certainly be seen as (ii) that he should now embark on publishing a magazine ostensibly dedicated to history.

A. cavalier disregard forD. unimportant
B. skeptical appreciation ofE. ironic
C. critical approach toF. appropriate


# XXGSC0243

Although his detractors tend to disparage him as (i), Santayana did not (ii). On the contrary, his many creations, in a wide variety of genres, proved to be remarkably of a piece, each a different way of organizing and expressing the same philosophical vision.

A. a pedantD. scatter his energies
B. a dilettanteE. respond to such criticism
C. an incendiaryF. have a purposeful agenda


# XXGSC0244

Much scholarship on the early Tana Tradition of coastal East Africa has been characterized by faith in the (i) of that tradition, but detailed analysis of ceramics suggests that there were (ii) the decorative motifs on early Tana Tradition jars, making it difficult to view the various Tana communities as a monolithic whole.

A. originalityD. regional differences in
B. homogeneityE. practical reasons for
C. longevityF. periodic revivals of


# XXGSC0245

She may have been (i) when she was finance minister, fighting deficits, but now as prime minister she is marked by her (ii).

A. collaborativeD. discretion
B. austereE. largesse
C. resourcefulF. platitudes


# XXGSC0246

As an essayist, Reed is an equal-opportunity combatant who pulls no punches. One strength in his approach is that this (i) can be disarmingly refreshing. On the downside, however, Reed sometimes surrenders too quickly to his more (ii) impulses.

A. coy self-deprecationD. polemical
B. colloquial informalityE. ingratiating
C. aggressive franknessF. analytical


# XXGSC0247

In the mid-1950s Miles Davis assembled his first important and successful jazz quintet. Like many of the Davis bands to follow, it seemed to be (i) grouping in prospect, mixing suavity and harmonic nuances with forcefulness and raw energy. Nevertheless, it achieved a remarkable balance of delicacy and drive, and it brought Davis his first (ii).

A. a brilliantD. puzzled reactions
B. a seamlessE. outright criticism
C. an incompatibleF. general popularity


# XXGSC0248

One example of a (i) occurs in a vacuum state in quantum field theory. There, "something" and "nothing" are (ii): it is entirely consistent for there to be nothing, and nonetheless for stuff to show up when we try to detect it.

A. paradoxD. not mutually exclusive
B. tautologyE. inextricably paired
C. misnomerF. impervious to interpretation


# XXGSC0249

Fashion designer Elsa Schiaparelli was just nineteen years old when Futurism erupted, but she later heeded that violent, belligerent art movement's call in the (i) of her broad-shouldered suits, the rawness of her furs and embroidery, and her (ii) attitude, which her contemporaries described as "hard chic", toward any simpering or mincing in fashion.

A. swaggerD. tolerant
B. fustinessE. pugnacious
C. delicacyF. ingenuous


# XXGSC0250

The governor, clearly trying to live down a reputation for (i), has recently demonstrated an unexpected ability to be (ii) when dealing with state legislators.

A. elitismD. candid
B. pugnacityE. petulant
C. vacillationF. conciliatory



# XXGSC0251

Because most of the fish and waterfowl observed in the Arctic Ocean are (i) species, disruptive changes at all levels of the Arctic food chain that have resulted from rapid warming and loss of sea ice there will (ii) ecosystems in more southerly habitats.

A. adaptableD. have an impact upon
B. endangeredE. resemble those In
C. migratoryF. reveal the diversity of


# XXGSC0252

The musical sketches Mozart made in the course of composition are fascinating, and some are of the highest quality. Even supposing that many were (i), his sketches are not as numerous as, say, Beethoven's, but there are enough of them to (ii) the notion that Mozart always wrote down fully finished pieces straight out of his head.

A. done casuallyD. revitalize
B. thrown awayE. introduce
C. returned to laterF. counter


# XXGSC0253

The grinding stones featured in some of Puerto Rico's restaurants as part of their decor evoke an idealized rustic past, but the nostalgia is (i): in reality, the job of grinding corn was among the most (ii) of domestic chores, often performed by the women of the house.

A. waningD. essential
B. misplacedE. onerous
C. understandableF. venerated


# XXGSC0254

Some norms governing authors' dedications of their works are (i) the norms governing ordinary speech (it may be wrong to lie, and thus wrong to lie in a dedication), but other norms are (ii) dedications. For example, one ought not dedicate to a worthy recipient an object that one feels is devoid of value.

A. necessary forD. independent of
B. contradicted byE. invalidated by
C. indistinct fromF. particular to


# XXGSC0255

Brennan's (i) is being blamed for damaging the company's reputation. Her lawyers, however, say that she does not lie and that she's been nothing but (ii) from the beginning.

A. arroganceD. forthcoming
B. incompetenceE. deceitful
C. prevaricationF. gregarious


# XXGSC0256

For many who are not philosophers, the word "metaphysics" still retains connotations of (i), so that many hard scientists still use the term as a byword for (ii) thinking.

A. impenetrabilityD. innovative
B. amorphousnessE. imprecise
C. sterilityF. simplistic


# XXGSC0257

Eighteenth-century translators who (i) deviations from their source test were not (ii), since literalism in translation had been roundly denounced in the previous century.

A. concealedD. breaking new ground
B. eschewedE. asserting their allegiance
C. endorsedF. scorning textual fidelity


# XXGSC0258

It is a (i) that information technologies such as the Internet are devoid of (ii), since even when they are not being deliberately used to promote a particular viewpoint, they often convey unexamined political assumptions.

A. mythD. content
B. boonE. shrewdness
C. truismF. ideology


# XXGSC0259

Although weeds often (i) and are (ii) human activities, their cussedness and refusal to play by human rules makes them subversive and the very essence of wildness.

A. followD. unaffected by
B. thwartE. impervious to
C. ignoreF. dependent on


# XXGSC0260

Orchestra players are not always the best judges of conductors. Not surprisingly, when evaluating conductors they put a high premium on musicianship and (i) and therefore typically gravitate toward conductors who are both technically competent and (ii). But the ability to galvanize a hundred musicians into giving a great performance requires more than proficiency and affability.

A. collegialityD. musically innovative
B. creativityE. personally likable
C. objectivityF. consistently impartial



# XXGSC0261

The existence of powerful online groups, the anonymity available to users of the Web, and a growing spirit of (i) have by now made calls to boycott certain films for their politics almost absurdly (ii).

A. toleranceD. routine
B. ambivalenceE. difficult
C. partisanshipF. risky


# XXGSC0262

Female Korean shellfish divers, known as haenyeo, are (i) the (ii) the international seafood market: since they export most of their products, even consistent harvests translate into unreliable earnings.

A. unfamiliar withD. information about
B. vulnerable toE. vicissitudes of
C. responsible forF. opportunities beyond


# XXGSC0263

In 1995 Susan Sontag wrote a sorrowful summary for the Frankfurter Rundschan of the state of the cinema, which she judged to be in "ignominious, irreversible decline". Since she was (i) and indeed impassioned moviegoer, her essay was (ii) the hundred-year-old art form.

A. a devotedD. a pedantic commentary on
B. an unfocusedE. an ambiguous forecast about
C. a rashF. an outraged lamentation for


# XXGSC0264

Once Plowright's research is complete, she will be prepared to talk about it (i), but for now, because she is discussing theories rather than facts and does not want to commit herself to an unsubstantiated claim, she prefers to make only the most (ii) comments.

A. authoritativelyD. provisional
B. tentativelyE. prescient
C. extemporaneouslyF. germane


# XXGSC0265

Seemingly to compensate for the (i) nature of her subject, in her review the theater critic (ii) a casual chatty style.

A. undemandingD. opted for
B. rarefiedE. misused
C. well-definedF. invited


# XXGSC0266

Sociological jurisprudence has a (i) rather than (ii) focus: it is concerned with what actually goes on in the legal system, not with what ought to go on.

A. humanitarianD. an elitist
B. descriptiveE. a normative
C. hypotheticalF. an applied


# XXGSC0267

The comments are (i) to be sure, meant to suggest new lines of research rather than to deal with the subject in (ii) manner.

A. misguidedD. a cavalier
B. sketchyE. an exhaustive
C. exculpatoryF. a subjective


# XXGSC0268

The (i) between the scholar's arguments and their (ii) has long been evident, the arguments claim that we live in a world of rhetoric and contingency, but the arguer presents her claim as anything but rhetorical and contingent.

A. contradictionD. means of dispatch
B. progressiveE. critical reception
C. marriageF. lack of absolutism


# XXGSC0269

Though now the concept of empire is often viewed negatively, prior to the mid-nineteenth century, the word was more (i). It was widely seen as (ii) term in that it described nothing more than the exercise of government and Was largely synonymous with the state.

A. esotericD. a derogatory
B. anodyneE. a functional
C. tendentiousF. an anomalous


# XXGSC0270

Physicists are an extremely (i) breed, as evidenced by the reaction to Webb's recent discovery. Even Wim Ubachs, an atomic physicist, who has called Webb's result the "physics news of the year", urges (ii): "It is exciting because it is a glimpse of new physics, something entirely different", he says, "but it has to be verified and reproduced".

A. enthusiasticD. respect
B. contentiousE. care
C. cautiousF. tolerance

