本文整理 GRE 真题合集填空篇(2023 版)一级高频部分笔记,题目来自 Jeff。

# 单空


# XXGSC0001

The composer's music had been criticized for being simple and accessible to a fault, but defenders countered that music need not be _____ to be great.
A. innovative
B. capricious
C. inscrutable
D. meritorious
E. bombastic


A. 创新
B. 反复无常
C. 高深莫测
D. 功勋卓著
E. 狂轰滥炸

# XXGSC0002

Unlike other rap artists, who often _____ behind the microphone, Drake writes out every word of his rhymes before he performs them.
A. linger
B. proselytize
C. extemporize
D. fulminate
E. compromise


A. 徘徊
B. 改头换面
C. 即兴
D. 爆炸
E. 妥协

# XXGSC0003

His lackadaisical approach to this project belies his well-known reputation for _____.
A. flippancy
B. mordancy
C. preciosity
D. prodigality
E. assiduity


A. 轻浮
B. 单调
C. 珍惜
D. 挥霍
E. 勤奋

# XXGSC0004

The danger of valuing animals in proportion to their apparent possession of human characteristics is the subject of Budiansky's new book, an extended critique of _____ in animal behavior research.
A. pragmatism
B. humanitarianism
C. anthropomorphism
D. empiricism
E. cynicism


A. 实用主义
B. 人道主义
C. 拟人主义
D. 经验主义
E. 嘲讽主义

# XXGSC0005

Gluten -- a protein found in wheat, barley, and rye -- was formerly avoided only by those suffering from celiac disease but has recently become a popular dietary _____, with gluten-free foods popping up everywhere.
A. fad
B. substitute
C. panacea
D. scam
E. villain


麸质 —— 一种存在于小麦、大麦和黑麦中的蛋白质 —— 以前只有乳糜泻患者才会避免食用,但最近已成为一种流行的饮食恶习,无麸质食品随处可见。
A. 时尚
B. 替代品
C. 灵丹妙药
D. 骗局
E. 恶习

# XXGSC0006

In seventeenth-century science, we witness the first instance of technological _____: scientific tools, constructed from existing scientific knowledge, led to the acquisition of new knowledge that in turn contributed to improving the tools' design.
A. breakthrough
B. feedback
C. controversy
D. cooperation
E. malaise


A. 突破
B. 反馈
C. 争议
D. 合作
E. 萎靡

# XXGSC0007

There is a rather _____ reason for astronomers' sudden interest in comets: most other bodies in the solar system have been explored already.
A. pedantic
B. prosaic
C. controversial
D. untenable
E. mysterious


A. 迂腐
B. 朴素
C. 争议
D. 站不住脚
E. 神秘

# XXGSC0008

Because we participate in the dynamics of ecosystems as we restore them, restoration practice is in essence antithetical to the idea of a _____ wilderness.
A. managed
B. developing
C. rehabilitated
D. pristine
E. degraded


A. 管理
B. 开发
C. 恢复
D. 原始
E. 退化

# XXGSC0009

It is ironic that the scientist's work was criticized recently for its _____ research methodology, since other researchers have argued for years that this same methodology was based absolutely on impeccable logic.
A. fastidious
B. esoteric
C. abstruse
D. impervious
E. specious


A. 严谨
B. 深奥
C. 深奥
D. 不透水
E. 似是而非

# XXGSC0010

Central control of the country's power grid is difficult because of the _____ of the electricity industry -- it is made up of hundreds of local networks with separate owners.
A. bifurcation
B. interdependence
C. nationalization
D. tractability
E. balkanization


由于电力行业的巴尔干化,很难对国家电网进行中央控制 —— 电网由数百个地方电网组成,各自拥有独立的所有者。
A. 分叉
B. 相互依存
C. 国有化
D. 牵引性
E. 巴尔干化


# XXGSC0011

Hotels in major urban markets seem to offer the biggest potential _____ seasoned investors looking to make an investment in the lodging sector; those hotels took the hardest hit during the recession, and analysts expect them to bounce back just as steeply.
A. risk for
B. concession from
C. source of
D. disincentive to
E. windfall to


A. 风险
B. 让步
C. 来源
D. 抑制
E. 意外收获

# XXGSC0012

Given the extraordinary _____ of its arguments, it is surprising that the central thesis of the book can be stated so simply.
A. nuance
B. insensitivity
C. lucidity
D. spuriousness
E. rationality


A. 细致入微
B. 不敏感
C. 清晰
D. 虚伪
E. 理性

# XXGSC0013

The Internet is an eternally unfinished monument to _____, a text that aspires to be as big and multifarious as the world it describes.
A. inclusion
B. self-promotion
C. innovation
D. triviality
E. abstraction


A. 包容
B. 自我推销
C. 创新
D. 琐碎
E. 抽象性

# XXGSC0014

In nineteenth-century Japan, the national government's template for presenting annual statistical information proved, in practice, to be _____: regional statistical yearbooks reveal a subtle reshuffling of the template's categories to showcase what mattered most to local officials.
A. intractable
B. malleable
C. provident
D. inviolable
E. practicable


在 19 世纪的日本,国家政府提供年度统计信息的模板在实践中被证明具有可塑性:地区统计年鉴揭示了对模板类别的微妙调整,以展示地方官员最关心的内容。
A. 难以解决
B. 可塑性
C. 先见之明
D. 不可侵犯
E. 切实可行

# XXGSC0015

The distance between Tibetan villages is sometimes _____ by the number of cups of tea necessary to sustain a person traveling that route: three cups of tea are roughly equal to eight kilometers.
A. amplified
B. foreshadowed
C. eclipsed
D. constrained
E. reckoned


A. 放大
B. 预示
C. 黯然失色
D. 限制
E. 计算

# XXGSC0016

Archaeopteryx had feathers on its hind limbs that helped stabilize it and acted as air brakes, allowing the otherwise _____ creature to turn more adeptly and fly steadily.
A. docile
B. ungainly
C. unpredictable
D. torpid
E. reckless


A. 温顺
B. 笨拙
C. 难以捉摸
D. 清澈
E. 鲁莽

# XXGSC0017

The fiftieth birthday of this much-admired musician has, predictably, given rise to various _____, including two flattering television documentaries about her life.
A. encomiums
B. diatribes
C. controversies
D. exposés
E. conundrums


A. 赞美
B. 抨击
C. 争议
D. 揭露
E. 疑难杂症

# XXGSC0018

The results of the latest survey being _____, earlier results gave researchers little relevant experience for the new data's interpretation.
A. superfluous
B. inconsequential
C. tedious
D. unexampled
E. familiar


A. 累赘
B. 无足轻重
C. 乏味
D. 没有实例
E. 熟悉

# XXGSC0019

In proto scientific times (for example, in ancient Greece), claims about the physical world were often accepted as true if they were reasonable; experimental verification, if thought necessary at all, was _____.
A. utilitarian
B. perfunctory
C. egregious
D. empirical
E. inductive


A. 功利
B. 敷衍
C. 令人震惊
D. 经验主义
E. 归纳法

# XXGSC0020

In order to put their own ideas to a scrupulous test, scientists should actively try to falsify them, though in practice such attempts at _____ rarely have the vigor theorists of scientific method would prefer.
A. empiricism
B. disavowal
C. self-refutation
D. countermanding
E. circuitousness


A. 经验主义
B. 否定
C. 自我反驳
D. 反驳
E. 迂回


# XXGSC0021

In recent years, the country's farmers have been extremely _____, contributing a major portion of the disturbances and protests against government policies.
A. discerning
B. tractable
C. restive
D. mercurial
E. circumspect


A. 明察秋毫
B. 有韧性
C. 焦躁不安
D. 多变
E. 谨慎

# XXGSC0022

Concerned about the growing tendency of universities to sometimes reward celebrity more generously than specialized expertise, many academics have deplored the search for _____ to which that practice leads.
A. approbation
B. collegiality
C. erudition
D. renown
E. prowess


A. 赞许
B. 同事关系
C. 博学
D. 名誉
E. 能力

# XXGSC0023

The design of many seventeenth-century scientific instruments was not entirely _____: in their construction, such instruments already involved many assumptions about aspects of the phenomena that they were aimed to investigate.
A. consistent
B. original
C. precise
D. impartial
E. versatile


A. 一致性
B. 原始
C. 精确
D. 公正
E. 多用途

# XXGSC0024

While Pompeian houses vary in their size, ground plan, and decorative schemes, they do tend to _____ certain consistent design motivations: their owners all seem to have aimed toward creating a certain kind of domestic space.
A. inform
B. defy
C. inspire
D. thwart
E. betray


A. 告知
B. 藐视
C. 启发
D. 阻碍
E. 透露

# XXGSC0025

Historically, it has been unusual for scientific terms, once coined, to enter common usage with much _____: "scientist" and "dinosaur" (coined in 1833 and 1842, respectively), for instance, were rarely used before the late nineteenth century.
A. recognition
B. dispatch
C. accuracy
D. controversy
E. acclaim


从历史上看,科学术语一旦被创造出来,就会很快进入普通用法,这种情况并不多见: 例如,“科学家” 和 “恐龙”(分别创造于 1833 年和 1842 年)在 19 世纪晚期之前很少被使用。
A. 承认
B. 迅速
C. 准确性
D. 争议
E. 称赞

# XXGSC0026

It would be a disservice to the novel's intricate construction to provide its readers in advance with even _____ summation of its unfolding events: the book should be allowed to reveal its own surprises.
A. a subjective
B. a cursory
C. an incisive
D. a comprehensive
E. a predictable


A. 主观的
B. 粗略的
C. 精辟
D. 全面
E. 预见性

# XXGSC0027

Robin's words were not without emotion: they retained their level tone only by a careful _____ imminent extremes.
A. equipoise between
B. embrace of
C. oscillation between
D. limitation to
E. subjection to


A. 之间的平衡
B. 拥抱
C. 摇摆不定
D. 局限于
E. 臣服于

# XXGSC0028

The regulatory agency's attempts to impose new and harsher restrictions on the business community were met with such _____ that the agency finally opted to maintain its existing rules.
A. impunity
B. probity
C. recalcitrance
D. indemnity
E. approbation


A. 有罪不罚
B. 正直
C. 顽固
D. 赔偿
E. 批准

# XXGSC0029

Few meteorites are _____: most languish for many years before being found, their untold stories slowly fading from extended exposure to wind and rain.
A. hazardous
B. massive
C. invaluable
D. pristine
E. prehistoric


A. 危险
B. 巨大
C. 无价之宝
D. 原始
E. 史前

# XXGSC0030

The movie has a surfeit of inscrutable characters and tortuous subplots, so it is no surprise that viewers leaving the recent screening appeared _____.
A. complacent
B. phlegmatic
C. nonplussed
D. unsated
E. beguiled


A. 沾沾自喜
B. 冷淡
C. 困惑
D. 不满足
E. 欺骗


# XXGSC0031

The _____ of the Internet has a price: because the Internet was designed to suit a wide variety of applications, the service it delivers is almost certainly not optimal for any particular application.
A. immediacy
B. generality
C. complexity
D. ubiquity
E. interactivity


A. 即时性
B. 通用性
C. 复杂性
D. 无处不在
E. 交互性

# XXGSC0032

Age data from meteorites suggests that, in contrast to the relatively _____ pace of planetary evolution we are witnessing today, the first ten million years or so of our solar system history were extremely eventful.
A. structured
B. uncertain
C. pedestrian
D. productive
E. menacing


A. 有条理
B. 不确定
C. 缓慢
D. 富有成效
E. 来势汹汹

# XXGSC0033

Thanks to their importance as components in the catalytic converters that reduce vehicle emissions, platinum, palladium, and rhodium have all become _____ in the fight against air pollution.
A. paradigms
B. aberrations
C. novelties
D. bulwarks
E. exceptions


A. 范例
B. 畸变
C. 创新
D. 堡垒
E. 例外

# XXGSC0034

While the theory that volcanic activity enables the venting of methane gas from subsurface reserves offers a reasonable explanation for the replenishing of methane in Titan's atmosphere, volcano-like structures on Titan's surface are _____.
A. relatively typical
B. slowly evolving
C. truly fascinating
D. geologically active
E. still undiscovered


A. 比较典型
B. 缓慢演变
C. 真正迷人
D. 地质活跃
E. 仍未被发现

# XXGSC0035

Despite having been designated as an interdepartmental effort, the project involved no real _____ of viewpoints.
A. distillation
B. synthesis
C. explication
D. dilution
E. encapsulation


A. 提炼
B. 综合
C. 阐释
D. 稀释
E. 封装

# XXGSC0036

Because the weight of melting ice sheets and glaciers is increasing pressure on the Earth's ocean floors, causing them to sink, measurements of sea-level rise have probably _____ the increasing volume of water in the oceans.
A. anticipated
B. included
C. exaggerated
D. underestimated
E. pinpointed


A. 预计
B. 包括
C. 夸大
D. 低估
E. 精确

# XXGSC0037

To write convincing fiction about the tedium of ordinary life may be one of the hardest challenges facing a novelist, who must find a way to engage the reader despite a focus on _____ events.
A. distressing
B. dubious
C. quotidian
D. unwonted
E. nebulous


A. 令人苦恼
B. 可疑的
C. 平淡无奇
D. 陌生
E. 云里雾里

# XXGSC0038

The myth of the scientific method as a neat progression from hypothesis to experiment to conclusion is dispelled once you enter a lab and observe the _____ process by which researchers actually make discoveries.
A. meticulous
B. unproductive
C. imperturbable
D. haphazard
E. sequential


A. 一丝不苟
B. 毫无进展
C. 无动于衷
D. 杂乱无章
E. 有序

# XXGSC0039

Before divulging the nature of their experiments, the researchers anticipated _____, thinking that their work might appear macabre; hence they prepared carefully for a press conference at which they emphasized the project's scientific and medical value.
A. trifling criticism
B. adverse repercussions
C. indecipherable outcomes
D. widespread indifference
E. spontaneous approval


A. 微不足道的批评
B. 负面影响
C. 难以辨认的结果
D. 普遍漠不关心
E. 自发的赞同

# XXGSC0040

Woody plant responses to herbivory were always thought to be _____; however, some scientists have reported localized responses to herbivory in certain woody plants.
A. timely
B. marginal
C. unpredictable
D. adequate
E. systemic


A. 及时
B. 边缘的
C. 不可预测
D. 充分
E. 系统性

# 六选二


# XXGSC0111

The fact that no single Cantonese dictionary is seen as ____ is one of the main reasons why most Hong Kong authors do not depend on formal reference tools when writing in Cantonese.
A. dependable
B. authoritative
C. meticulous
D. indefinite
E. topical
F. comprehensive


A. 可靠
B. 权威
C. 细致
D. 不明确
E. 专题
F. 全面

# XXGSC0112

Because it has usually been impossible to eradicate exotic species once they have become established, it is ____ to minimize introductions of species that have substantial probabilities of unwanted impacts.
A. prudent
B. customary
C. provident
D. superfluous
E. essential
F. pointless


A. 谨慎
B. 习惯
C. 谨慎
D. 累赘
E. 必要
F. 毫无意义

# XXGSC0113

The biographer laments the ____ that abound in texts from antiquity they are so prevalent, she says that they nearly amount to a "conspiracy of silence".
A. fallacies
B. myths
C. misrepresentations
D. elisions
E. lacunae
F. distortions


这位传记作者对古代文献中大量的省略表示遗憾,这些省略是如此普遍,她说,它们几乎相当于一种 “沉默的阴谋”。
A. 谬论
B. 神话
C. 歪曲事实
D. 遗漏
E. 漏洞
F. 歪曲

# XXGSC0114

Meteorology is one of the few fields of applied science that demands prediction; since prediction involves considerable uncertainty and uncertainty is ____ scientists, meteorology will continue to exist in a fraught intellectual space.
A. mysterious to
B. anathema to
C. discredited by
D. pivotal for
E. repellent to
F. familiar to


A. 神秘莫测
B. 深恶痛绝
C. 名誉扫地
D. 举足轻重
E. 排斥
F. 熟悉

# XXGSC0115

Faced with so much conflicting information on the internet, many people come to believe that all sources are so ____ that efforts to discriminate between the true and the false are inevitably futile.
A. slanted
B. imprecise
C. splenetic
D. tendentious
E. surreptitious
F. acrimonious


A. 倾斜
B. 不精确
C. 陈词滥调
D. 倾向
E. 偷偷摸摸
F. 尖刻

# XXGSC0116

This novel is not great literature: there are too many characters, too many subplots, and no clearly defined protagonist, making for ____ story.
A. a banal
B. a diffuse
C. a mawkish
D. an innocuous
E. an amorphous
F. a hackneyed


A. 平淡无奇
B. 漫不经心
C. 单调
D. 无伤大雅
E. 无定形
F. 陈词滥调

# XXGSC0117

Over the past hundred years, numerous experiments on elementary particles have ____ the classical paradigm of a causal, deterministic universe by showing that some natural phenomena are truly random.
A. augmented
B. supported
C. upended
D. investigated
E. undermined
F. probed


A. 增强
B. 支持
C. 颠覆
D. 调查
E. 破坏
F. 探究

# XXGSC0118

Recent research has shown that memories are not unchanging physical traces in the brain; instead, they are constructs that are ____, rebuilt every time they are recalled.
A. complex
B. intricate
C. fragile
D. malleable
E. ephemeral
F. pliable


A. 复杂
B. 错综复杂
C. 脆弱
D. 可塑
E. 短暂
F. 柔韧

# XXGSC0119

Ancient coins displayed in museums are almost by definition ____, on display precisely because they are the most beautiful, the most elaborate, and the best-preserved samples.
A. diverse
B. atypical
C. precious
D. exceptional
E. disparate
F. enigmatic


A. 多样性
B. 非典型
C. 珍贵
D. 特殊
E. 差异
F. 神秘

# XXGSC0120

An academic with a questionable record in either teaching, administration, or research may still be well regarded at many schools, but simultaneous failure in all three areas normally results in ____ by superiors.
A. exculpation
B. dismissal
C. impeachment
D. disapprobation
E. censure
F. acquittal


A. 开脱罪责
B. 开除
C. 弹劾
D. 不认可
E. 谴责
F. 无罪释放


# XXGSC0121

The airline might receive fewer complaints if it got passengers to their destinations on time: in the past few years, only one airline has been more ____.
A. unprofitable
B. aggressive
C. remiss
D. dilatory
E. impeccable
F. assiduous


A. 无利可图
B. 积极
C. 怠慢
D. 拖拉
E. 无可挑剔
F. 勤奋

# XXGSC0122

The author argues that by setting the agenda, constraining the issues discussed, and crafting "talking points", political elites are ultimately able to ____ the choices available to voters.
A. explicate
B. obfuscate
C. demarcate
D. multiply
E. widen
F. circumscribe


作者认为,通过设定议程,限制讨论的问题,并精心制作 “谈话要点”,政治精英最终能够界定选民的选择。
A. 阐释
B. 混淆
C. 划界
D. 倍增
E. 扩大
F. 包围

# XXGSC0123

Laboratory experiments testing whether memories can be purposely erased or implanted seem decidedly ____ compared to the sensational depictions of memory manipulation in movies, but such research has nevertheless yielded dramatic results.
A. sinister
B. outdated
C. ominous
D. prosaic
E. frivolous
F. pedestrian


A. 阴险
B. 过时
C. 不祥
D. 平淡无奇
E. 轻浮
F. 乏味

# XXGSC0124

The landmasses that form our continents are notably ____: they are plates of rock continuously shifting around within the Earth's crust, in movements that are not just horizontal but also vertical.
A. coordinated
B. dispersed
C. itinerant
D. ancient
E. peripatetic
F. scattered


A. 协调
B. 散布
C. 巡回
D. 古老
E. 漫游
F. 分散

# XXGSC0125

Although Wanda Coleman's sonnets sometimes employ ____ word choices, they aptly bring to the fore a distinctly modern anxiety.
A. ambiguous
B. archaic
C. puzzling
D. surprising
E. fusty
F. disturbing


A. 含糊不清
B. 过时
C. 令人费解
D. 令人惊讶
E. 老式
F. 令人不安

# XXGSC0126

The actor was quick to warn new members of the cast that the director's cherubic countenance belied ____ temperament.
A. a deceitful
B. a choleric
C. a morose
D. an imperious
E. a vengeful
F. an irascible


A. 骗子
B. 易怒
C. 情绪低落
D. 专横
E. 复仇
F. 易怒

# XXGSC0127

The fear that otherwise ____ economies could fall victim to external shocks is one of the scariest aspects of the world's economic troubles and one of the most portentous.
A. insignificant
B. small
C. progressive
D. robust
E. mature
F. healthy


A. 无关紧要
B. 小
C. 进步
D. 健壮
E. 成熟
F. 健康

# XXGSC0128

Proponents of the legislation argued that its critics' valid but minor points did not ____ the assertion that the bill would be far more beneficial than hurtful to the nation's citizens.
A. revoke
B. bolster
C. vitiate
D. undercut
E. address
F. legitimize


A. 撤销
B. 支持
C. 损害
D. 削弱
E. 解决
F. 合法化

# XXGSC0129

Even though no other urban center on Earth thrived for so long, the ancient Mesopotamian city of Uruk remains ____ in comparison with its more famous neighbor, Babylon.
A. prominent
B. obscure
C. unknown
D. ornate
E. popular
F. prosperous


A. 突出
B. 默默无闻
C. 未知
D. 华丽
E. 流行
F. 繁荣

# XXGSC0130

There are several strange ____ in the book India; for instance, though subtitled An Intimate Biography of 1.2 Billion People, it finds no place for the nearly 800 million Indians who depend on agriculture for a living.
A. elisions
B. omissions
C. censures
D. critiques
E. biases
F. digressions


《印度》一书中有几处奇怪的省略;例如,尽管副标题是《12 亿人的亲密传记》,但它却没有为近 8 亿靠农业为生的印度人找到一席之地。
A. 省略
B. 遗漏
C. 指责
D. 批判
E. 偏见
F. 离题


# XXGSC0131

The rebellion was ____ one, driven less by ardor than by reason and calculation.
A. a cerebral
B. a dispassionate
C. a rash
D. an idealistic
E. a cautious
F. a reckless


A. 理智
B. 冷静
C. 鲁莽
D. 理想主义者
E. 谨慎的人
F. 鲁莽

# XXGSC0132

The scholars' hypothesis challenges the scope of human psychological and behavioral universals, but does not dispense with them entirely: the team remains confident that displays of pride, for instance, are ____.
A. inherited
B. pernicious
C. ubiquitous
D. symptomatic
E. detrimental
F. omnipresent


A. 遗传性
B. 恶性
C. 无处不在
D. 症状性
E. 有害
F. 无处不在

# XXGSC0133

The vast majority of universities in the United States promote themselves as institutions of free speech and thought, construing censorship as ____ their search for knowledge.
A. subordinate to
B. obviated by
C. secondary to
D. antipathetic to
E. conducive to
F. inconsistent with


A. 从属
B. 取消
C. 次要
D. 反感
E. 有利于
F. 不一致

# XXGSC0134

Conditions at the training camp for runners were ____: few of the runners had proper shoes or a training kit.
A. unpleasant
B. tedious
C. spartan
D. austere
E. rigorous
F. monotonous


A. 不愉快
B. 乏味
C. 简朴
D. 紧缩
E. 严谨
F. 单调

# XXGSC0135

The geometry student struggled with the request to demonstrate the ____ proposition, feeling that, since opposite angles were self-evidently equal, there was no need for a proof.
A. patent
B. nebulous
C. arcane
D. manifest
E. illogical
F. plausible


A. 明显
B. 虚无缥缈
C. 神秘
D. 明显
E. 不合逻辑
F. 似是而非

# XXGSC0136

A danger of writing urban history is the temptation to fall into the ____ and then to learn that only a rare few will be interested in reading your overly specialized account of lost times.
A. sensational
B. quixotic
C. provincial
D. impractical
E. subversive
F. parochial


A. 耸人听闻
B. 奇思妙想
C. 偏狭
D. 不切实际
E. 颠覆性
F. 偏狭

# XXGSC0137

Taxonomy has gained a reputation as ____ science, a reputation that is not mitigated by the incessant changing of the names of organisms and the seemingly haphazard approach taken to the definition of taxa.
A. an arcane
B. an arbitrary
C. an exacting
D. a rigorous
E. an obstinate
F. a capricious


A. 神秘
B. 武断
C. 严谨
D. 严谨
E. 顽固
F. 任性

# XXGSC0138

Technological developments in the nineteenth century took longer to ____ than they do today: many of that century's advances were known to scientists but not to average people.
A. occur
B. propagate
C. accelerate
D. multiply
E. spread
F. increase


A. 出现
B. 传播
C. 加速
D. 繁殖
E. 传播
F. 增加

# XXGSC0139

One of the incongruities of modern industry, according to Reck and Graedel, is that we manufacture modern products with the most sophisticated technologies available yet generally adopt relatively ____ approaches to recycling them.
A. economical
B. basic
C. crude
D. conventional
E. inefficient
F. inexpensive


Reck 和 Graedel 认为,现代工业的一个不协调之处在于,我们用最先进的技术制造现代产品,却普遍采用相对基本的方法来回收这些产品。
A. 经济
B. 基本
C. 粗糙
D. 传统
E. 低效
F. 廉价

# XXGSC0140

In the 1990s, the limited color palette of display screens was ____: the electronics industry, working through a United Nations agency, adopted a worldwide standard color gamut that all televisions should be able to display.
A. codified
B. encrypted
C. enforced
D. expanded
E. formalized
F. denounced


20 世纪 90 年代,显示屏的有限色域被编成法典:电子行业通过一个联合国机构,采用了所有电视机都应能显示的全球标准色域。
A. 编纂
B. 加密
C. 强制执行
D. 扩展
E. 正式化
F. 谴责


# XXGSC0141

The distance between Tibetan villages is sometimes ____ by the number of cups of tea necessary to sustain a person traveling that route: three cups of tea are roughly equal to eight kilometers.
A. gauged
B. truncated
C. curtailed
D. reckoned
E. illustrated
F. magnified


A. 测量
B. 截断
C. 截断
D. 计算
E. 图解
F. 放大

# XXGSC0142

Until the 1960s, predictions of the effect of winds on the ocean waves were ____, and forecasts of wave heights during storms were consequently unreliable.
A. rudimentary
B. inaccessible
C. unsophisticated
D. flawed
E. contradictory
F. ignored


直到 20 世纪 60 年代,关于风对海浪影响的预测还很不成熟,因此对风暴期间海浪高度的预报并不可靠。
A. 简陋
B. 难以接近
C. 不成熟
D. 有缺陷
E. 自相矛盾
F. 忽视

# XXGSC0143

Some historians have ____ the disjunction between the decades preceding and the ones following the political coup, ignoring the fact that the coup fell in the middle of a twenty-year period of considerable social and economic continuity.
A. overstated
B. exaggerated
C. questioned
D. misjudged
E. misinterpreted
F. overlooked


A. 夸大
B. 夸大
C. 质疑
D. 判断错误
E. 误解
F. 忽视

# XXGSC0144

It can be a daunting task to plunge into the disparate and extensive data sets on the carnivores and ____ meaningful patterns from their extraordinary morphological, behavioral, and ecological diversity.
A. distill
B. conjure
C. distinguish
D. extract
E. conceal
F. hide


A. 蒸馏
B. 变出
C. 区分
D. 提取
E. 隐藏
F. 隐藏

# XXGSC0145

One of the reporter's central themes is that health care concerns were a secondary consideration to the reformers in their drive to limit if not completely ____ the consumption of cigarettes.
A. indulge
B. proscribe
C. damage
D. spurn
E. disallow
F. impair


A. 纵容
B. 禁止
C. 损害
D. 唾弃
E. 不允许
F. 损害

# XXGSC0146

This book indulges in a number of convenient ____, including its dubious timeline and its veneer of collective authorship.
A. fictions
B. contradictions
C. analyses
D. reminiscences
E. refutations
F. inventions


A. 虚构
B. 矛盾
C. 分析
D. 回忆
E. 反驳
F. 发明

# XXGSC0147

The developmental track for human beings -- from rudimentary awareness to complex forms of rational agency -- is quite ____: development proceeds with even minimally good physical and psychological health in any minimally favorable environment.
A. sophisticated
B. contingent
C. robust
D. situational
E. elusive
F. reliable


人类的发展轨迹 —— 从基本的意识到复杂形式的理性行为 —— 是相当稳健的:在任何最基本的有利环境中,即使是最基本的身心健康,发展也会继续。
A. 复杂
B. 偶然
C. 强大
D. 情境性
E. 难以捉摸
F. 可靠

# XXGSC0148

Jamie offered to loan her classmate a pencil, on the condition that in three days he repay her with two boxes of brand-new pencils: who would have believed that such ____ would exist among the young?
A. largesse
B. rapacity
C. hedonism
D. munificence
E. exaction
F. altruism


A. 慷慨
B. 贪婪
C. 享乐主义
D. 慷慨
E. 榨取
F. 利他主义

# XXGSC0149

Looking back on a project that they had approached with both great ____ and considerable aspirations, they were amused to recognize that neither the fears nor the hopes had been at all realistic.
A. purpose
B. talent
C. abilities
D. trepidation
E. misgivings
F. ambition


A. 目的
B. 才能
C. 能力
D. 忧虑
E. 疑虑
F. 雄心壮志

# XXGSC0150

While there is no evidence that Bigfoot is real, several well-known species were once thought to be ____; the okapi, for instance, was known as the "African unicorn" until explorers obtained proof of its existence.
A. threatened
B. fabulous
C. extinct
D. defunct
E. legendary
F. secretive


虽然没有证据表明大脚怪是真实存在的,但有几种著名的物种曾被认为是神话般的存在;例如,在探险家获得其存在的证据之前,霍加狓被称为 “非洲独角兽”。
A. 受到威胁
B. 传说
C. 灭绝
D. 不复存在
E. 传说
F. 神秘

