
本文整理 GRE 真题合集填空篇(2023 版)二级高频部分笔记,题目来自 Jeff。 # 单空 # SECTION 1 # XXGSC0191 The impact of the film on what people believe happened illustrates the power of fiction to ____ certain historical interpretations: patently fabricated, the film nevertheless supports and sustains people's cherished...

本文整理 GRE 真题合集填空篇(2023 版)一级高频部分笔记,题目来自 Jeff。 # 单空 # SECTION 1 # XXGSC0001 The composer's music had been criticized for being simple and accessible to a fault, but defenders countered that music need not be _____ to be great. A. innovative B. capricious C. inscrutable D. meritorious E....

本文整理雅思听力笔记,内容来自 Effy。 # 解释说明 food - sth to eat water - sth to drink camera - take photo education - teach and learn / study deforestation - strip the land by cutting down a large number of trees # 包含关系 food - flour / sugar / cucumber water - river / lake / sea / ocean / marine education -...

本文整理雅思阅读笔记,内容来自 Rebecca。 # 填空 技巧: 特殊结构(空格处) 并列关系:and /too/also /as well as /in addition /sometimes/another /meanwhile 否定关系:not /un-/fail /lack/without /reluctant/prevent /avoid/difficult 定义关系:be /known (regard /view) as /call/ 引号、冒号、破折号、括号 冠词:a /an 举例:for example /such as /for instance...

本文整理雅思口语第二部分笔记,内容来自 Shine。 标题同替 建立联系 标题核心信息 其他感受 # 人物 Describe a successful sportsperson you admire. Describe a successful businessperson you know. Describe a popular / well-known person in you're interested in. Describe a foreigner who speaks Chinese very well. 1 Share a person of great...

本文整理雅思写作第二部分笔记,内容来自 Shelly。 # 动词词组 # 6 分 solve the problem 解决问题 play a role in sth 在某事上起作用 be responsible for sth 对某事承担责任 pay attention to sth 关注、重视某事 make contributions to sth 为某事作出贡献 make an effort to do sth 努力去做某事 have an effect /influence/impact on sth 对某事产生影响 spend time /money (in) doing sth...

本文整理雅思口语第三部分笔记,内容来自 Shine。 # 特定群体 观点 + 论据🌟 两组 Why do people love to buy new clothes? People buy or purchase new clothing for better or different looks. They surely want to make them more attractive or look different. After purchasing new outfits, They feel pleased or get the pleasure. I have...

本文整理雅思口语第一部分笔记,内容来自 Shine。 # 综述 # 考试流程 地点:College Study Room 时长:Total Length 11-14 Mins 内容:题库型题目 + 机经型题目 # Part 1 Question and Answer 即时回答 提问 6-7 个小问题直到五分钟结束 每个小问题大约 4 句话 # Part 2 Independent Tasks 独立描述 提问一个问题 准备时间:1min 回答时间:90s-120s # Part 3 Question and Answer 即时回答 + 追问模式 问题与 Part2 相关 提问...

本文整理雅思写作第一部分笔记,内容来自 Shelly。 # 综述 类别 建议时长 字数 题材 Task 1 20 mins > 150 words 图表作文 Task 2 40 mins > 250 words 议论文或报告 # 形状分类 柱状图 (bar graph)🌟 饼图 (pie graph) 线性图 (line graph) 表格 (table) 地图 (map) 流程图 (flowchart) # 数据分类 有数据 静态图:没有时间点或者只有一个时间点 动态图:超过一个时间点 没数据 地图 流程图 # 核心要求 #...

# 描述 前端向后端发送请求浏览器控制台报错: Access to XMLHttpRequest at ‘http://localhost:8082/doLogin’ from origin ‘http://localhost:8080’ has been blocked by CORS policy: Response to preflight request doesn’t pass access control check: No ‘Access-Control-Allow-Origin’...